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iOS5 worth the update?

I just hooked into iTunes and updated my PC and iPad, then I restored my iPad so I would be completely updated. Then I went to
The website you last sent me to try to go back Before 5.1. No dice, the message was: Safari cannot download this file.
I'll see what tomorrow brings. This is practice for my new iPad 3 which is ordered. You guys are terrific, it's I who is a dodo
This. Leelai how do I contact you with a couple of questions about this site?
I have a new iPad 3 coming so I won't worry about jail breaking this one for now. I'm totally green about the connection between
iTunes and iPad. Thanks for the help to update, thanks very much.[/QUOTE]

I see you want to do a jailbreak, Gabriel has the right advice of the only jailbreak available for you right now. I'm not Jailbroken now and never have been so I don't have any knowledge on the ins and outs of it. We have a great Hacking Section with very knowledgeable Moderators and Members though if you want to go this route. Or are your questions to do with the Forum, fire away and I'll try my best to answer you or direct you to one if need be.
Hi Lelia;
I am not sure how to find you, but my questions are:
What is proper procedure to reply to someone else's post and avoid "Breaking In" I think that's what you called it when you wrote to
Me and said I had done this and it wasn't allowed, however, I am not aware of what I actually did. Where should I go to on a thread
To properly add a reply to someone's post? I read the rules and there is nothing explaining how and where to actually write a reply.
I'm mostly tapping "post Quick Reply" and writing in the grey box. I've been on here a year but only asked a couple of questions and haven't written since until a couple of days ago. I want to do things right so would be grateful if you'd explain procedures to me.
Thank you very much. Also how do I find my way back to a thread I've previously written to, there are so many?
LoveRem36 said:
Hi Lelia;
I am not sure how to find you, but my questions are:
What is proper procedure to reply to someone else's post and avoid "Breaking In" I think that's what you called it when you wrote to
Me and said I had done this and it wasn't allowed, however, I am not aware of what I actually did. Where should I go to on a thread
To properly add a reply to someone's post? I read the rules and there is nothing explaining how and where to actually write a reply.
I'm mostly tapping "post Quick Reply" and writing in the grey box. I've been on here a year but only asked a couple of questions and haven't written since until a couple of days ago. I want to do things right so would be grateful if you'd explain procedures to me.
Thank you very much. Also how do I find my way back to a thread I've previously written to, there are so many?

Hi, you had me confused then as I didn't remember saying anything to you about hijacking a thread, it wasn't me but another Moderator. What you did was ask about Jailbreaking on a post in which they were talking about an email problem. It makes it very confusing to have 2 discussions going on different topics so for this reason we do not allow it. If you want to join a thread it must be to add to the conversation which is already going and yes you just use the quick reply. If after doing a search and not being able to find an answer, you go to the correct sub forum for that question and start a new thread. I find the app so much easier to navigate in and I would recommend it to you if you are having trouble on the site. It is quite confusing when you first join. If you post in a thread you will automatically be subscribed to that thread and whenever someone else posts, you will get a notification for it. Have a look near the top and you will see My Posts, this will show you the posts you have done. If you are in a thread that you want to follow, just above the top of the thread you will see Thread Tools, pressing this will give you some options, one of which is subscribe to thread. I will include a link which will tell you how to post or start a new thread and a link to our App.
I hope these links help you and I would definitely consider the app, it's what I use all the time. Good luck!
I'm going nuts here. I got my new iPad 3 at 1:00pm today and I'm still trying to set it up. It asked me for a password right at the
Beginning and 8 hrs later and trying every password I've ever had about 10 times, I realized I had to call my ISP for a Key. DAH!
Then it would not let me use my email address saying its already being used. Yes, on my iPad 1 and it's my email address. I don't
Have another one. That's. The one on my WiFi network. 2 PC's and my iPad 1. I'm now trying to cinq it with iTunes but it's using
The info. It already holds from my iPad 1. I don't know how to tell iTunes that this is a new iPad or how to tell Apple that I want
To use my same email address. Like I said, I'm going nuts, totally, I'm at hour 11 now, why is everything so difficult
Ass soon as I got that password from my IP voila it opened up and I thought, good, I'm off to the races, not so, I still do not have
An email addy working here.
Does anyone know how to tell iTunes and Apple that I have 2 iPads?

iPad 3 64 MB
LoveRem36 said:
I'm going nuts here. I got my new iPad 3 at 1:00pm today and I'm still trying to set it up. It asked me for a password right at the
Beginning and 8 hrs later and trying every password I've ever had about 10 times, I realized I had to call my ISP for a Key. DAH!
Then it would not let me use my email address saying its already being used. Yes, on my iPad 1 and it's my email address. I don't
Have another one. That's. The one on my WiFi network. 2 PC's and my iPad 1. I'm now trying to cinq it with iTunes but it's using
The info. It already holds from my iPad 1. I don't know how to tell iTunes that this is a new iPad or how to tell Apple that I want
To use my same email address. Like I said, I'm going nuts, totally, I'm at hour 11 now, why is everything so difficult
Ass soon as I got that password from my IP voila it opened up and I thought, good, I'm off to the races, not so, I still do not have
An email addy working here.
Does anyone know how to tell iTunes and Apple that I have 2 iPads?

iPad 3 64 MB

The way I set up my second iPad was to set up from the backup of my first iPad then in the left hand pane of the iTunes window on your computer give the new iPad a different name.......I then had two identical iPads with different names, after this I set my second iPad up as I wanted it.

The Archangel
Thanks Gabriel
When I synced with iTunes, it picked up that it was a different iPad and it picked up the different serial number. I named it iPad 3
And the other one iPad 1. It all worked out.
Apple, on the other hand, gave me an iCloud email address and it still won't accept my actual email address, the one that I've
Always used. The only other one I could give was my msn live.net chat address, and I haven't used it in years. So I'm not getting
Any email on the new iPad, I'm getting them in this iPad 1
Apple seems to work hard at making every step difficult. I had to start over many times at several places. I started at 1 PM and
Finally finished at 3 AM without an email program. It was a nightmare. I tried to give it my yahoo email address but it wouldn't
Accept it for some reason, it called it a dav something.
I just upgraded from an iPad (wife's) and iPad 2 to iPad 3s. My approach in both cases was to back up old device and then reset old device which made it disappear. Then restore backup to new device and then sync. Ended up with a new device that looked like and had the same name as old one. Pretty easy and straightforward.


Sent from my iPad using iPF
I just joined b/c I was trying to find out about how to downgrade my ipad 1 after putting in OS5. Being visual, I didn't like Safari without the thumbnails, but I found this blog that told me how to downgrade WITHOUT jailbreaking. After spending 10 hrs on it yesterday and getting nowhere with the instructions out there, I finally found the right instructions. I couldn't do it on my apple computer, but was able to on a pc. If anyone wants the link, let me know and I'll post it.
I just joined b/c I was trying to find out about how to downgrade my ipad 1 after putting in OS5. Being visual, I didn't like Safari without the thumbnails, but I found this blog that told me how to downgrade WITHOUT jailbreaking. After spending 10 hrs on it yesterday and getting nowhere with the instructions out there, I finally found the right instructions. I couldn't do it on my apple computer, but was able to on a pc. If anyone wants the link, let me know and I'll post it.

Please don't post the blog link. It's against our rules to post links to blogs - the staff here would just have to delete it anyway.

Besides, we have lots of stickies and tutorials here in our Hacking section to show/explain how to downgrade an iPad off of iOS 5.

Thanks for the offer, though.

Moderator, iPadForums.net
As an owner of ipad2 16gb wifi, can i afford to upgrade to 5.1? How much space will the upgrade take approximately? will i be left with much free space for my apps and data?

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