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iOS8 on iPad Air - thoughts?

I did a full reset.
Settings- general- reset - erase all content and settings

Make sure you have an up to date backup first. Choose to restore from the backup during the iPad set up sequence.
I delayed upgrading because I was out of state and didn't trust the available wifi but did when I got home. I haven't had any big issues, upgraded my Air, 2 Iphone 5S and an Ipad Three and all are doing fine. I expect some minor bugs this early but I generally like it a lot.

I keep finding new things that I think will add to a good experience and I do push mine quite a bit finding I am able to do most all my computer work on it with a variety of good apps (I do complex spread sheets and Photoshop and Lightroom oyn a very fast powerful PC) and a lot of moving between apps--and I do think that will be easier, especially as more developers make it possible. . I missed the 8.01 but believe the issues only affected Iphone 6 and Plus. A friend did but had it resolved fairly quickly with Apple support. I do see 8.02 downloaded but haven't installed yet. So, I'm one user that is happy with new IOS8.
I put iOS 8.0.2 onto my iPad Air (and iPhone 6 Plus) yesterday. Seems to be working fine.

One "bug" that appears to be fixed for me on the Air - I could not get my keyboard shortcuts to work unless I went into Settings and saved an existing shortcut again. Very annoying, given that I use shortcuts all the time (to type my name, e-mail addresses, etc).

The iOS 8.0.2 update fixed this and so far, knock on wood, all is good.

So, I won't speak for all nor will I say the new iOS fixed everything. But, my iPad runs better on iOS 8.0.2 than it did on iOS 8.0 (didn't install 8.0.1).

So, here's one anecdotal datapoint that says the new iOS is good.

Thanks for the hint about keyboard shortcuts! Mine weren't working after the last update, now they're back again. :)
Installed iOS 8 on my iPad air last week. No major issues. But, noticeably slower when browsing in Safari when connected to WiFi. Dropped WiFi connection a couple times right after the upgrade, which had never happened before. Hasn't done it since. The right side of the iPad also gets a little warm when browsing in Safari and connected to WiFi. None of this happens when streaming movies, etc., only when surfing the web. And only when connected via WiFi. Only other strange thing was this Saturday when instead of my normal lock screen, I suddenly had video controls and a camera icon at the bottom of the screen. Had to swipe the screen to get to the normal lock screen. Hadn't used the camera or played any videos, couldn't find anything running in the background. And by that evening it had magically disappeared. I've only had it a couple months so possible there's something I missed in Settings. Has anyone else seen a slowdown in WiFi connection or noticed theirs getting a little warm? Have not installed 8.0.2 yet.
Not really.

If you haven't done so, reset your iPad: press and hold Home and Power button until the Apple logo appears, release both and let the iPad power up on it's own.
I have noticed that the low memory crashes to the home screen have mostly disappeared with iOS 8.0.2. I was getting them daily when scrolling Safari on Facebook. This is a MAJOR improvement for me! :D
i upgraded to IOS 8.02 after doing a search about any outstanding issues and asking a friend who did it on 5S, Ipad AIR, Mini. Didn't have any outstanding issues until I tried to print. i cannot print from any native apps, no 3rd party apps, not through Printer Pro app. I checked for upgrade for HP 3511, a common printer but its up to date, wireless is connected to printer from Airport Express. So we have 4 devices not able to print (Air, Three, 2/5S). i did do a bug report to Apple.

The only other issue that is annoying is that I have to do a reset very often to keep things humming, Safari slows WAY down but I do tend to use a lot of apps togetherk cut and paste, pdfs, etc so hoping It will improve with more upgrades as the engineers catch the bugs.

I do think I will not be an early adopter again though--wait at least a month, maybe more before installing a firmware upgrade in the future.
So far so good for me and the rest of the family. My daughters who both have an iPad 2 have said that everything seems fine too. Safari is working fine for me and so is wifi. One thing we did notice is that several features that we used to have turned OFF got turned back ON. I've seen this before with OS updates but it was especially bad this time!

I had to go through each of our devices(4 total) and get everything back to being as they were. My one daughters ipad 2 was running slower than she was used to but turning off stuff and a reboot per se solved that.

Haven't done the latest update yet though. Soon. We are on 8.0.
I updated my Air to 8.0 on day one, and I'm now on 8.0.2. Here are my issues.

Guided Access no longer functions since I updated to 8.0. I do the triple click, select Guided Access, but nothing happens. It works just fine on my iPhone 6, also on 8.0.2. I've tried various workarounds with no success, short of a complete restore, which I have no intention of doing given the apparent bugs with iCloud docs getting erased after restores.

My internet connection frequently drops over Wi-Fi. There is no consistent pattern as far as what is I'm doing when it happens. I'll be humming along and then no internet all of a sudden while the Wi-Fi connection is still there. My workaround is to hit airplane mode, turn airplane mode back off, then carry on.
I have to add that the instant personal hotspot connection to my iPhone is a glorious feature. My Air is a Verizon cellular model, and since updating to iOS 8 I have shut off my cellular access on my Air which will save me $10 per month. With such an easy cellular connection through the iPhone hotspot, paying an extra $130 for a cellular iPad seems completely unnecessary going forward. I hope prospective iPad buyers understand this feature when considering a cellular iPad.
I have to add that the instant personal hotspot connection to my iPhone is a glorious feature. My Air is a Verizon cellular model, and since updating to iOS 8 I have shut off my cellular access on my Air which will save me $10 per month. With such an easy cellular connection through the iPhone hotspot, paying an extra $130 for a cellular iPad seems completely unnecessary going forward. I hope prospective iPad buyers understand this feature when considering a cellular iPad.

I've been thinking about this myself. I only see three drawbacks.

No GPS on the iPad. I'm pretty sure the iPad won't be able to draw on the iPhone's GPS, at least for now.

Everything depends on the iPhone's battery. The iPhone gets low, you're done with iPad browsing. This is offset a bit if you have the better battery life of the iPhone 6 Plus, but if you do you'er probably carrying the iPad a lot less often. At least I am.

And, of course the big one, you must have an iPhone. Not everyone does.

None of these are show stoppers (well, except the last), and I may chose a non-cellular model next time; but for now I'm leaving my iPad Air connected to my carrier. At $10/mo I consider it a good backup connection to the internet.

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