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Ipad 16gb so less what to do now


iPF Noob
Hi I am starting this thread becoz I am so frustrated with my 16 gb iPad storage I have few books and almost 20 games and 10mp3 songs and my storage is almost full. Now what else we can do to save videos of songs or movies in it that's a big problem
Guys I tried skydrive . I thought maybe I will be able to save movies and video songs there from my iPad but after uploading few video songs in skydrive I noticed it only able to run them with Internet connectivity and that's of no use then becoz instead of that I can use you tube then so now I am looking for a way where I can keep video songs and movies in iPad so anyone know anything for jailbreak ipads then post here
Short of getting a satellite hard drive or using a cloud drive you'll have to upgrade to a higher HD capacity if you want more HD space.
Yep, a portable wifi drive if you're on the move, or for home based applications, a NAS drive is an awesome addition. Keep all your media on the drive and stream straight to your iPad.

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