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iPad 2 4.3.3 recovery loop

I am trying to install/restore 4.3.3 on an iPad 2, which used to run 4.3.1. The SHSH blobs are saved with TU.

Steps I have done:

-download correct 4.3.3 firmware from the apple server
-open the host file and remove gs.apple.com, then restart the computer
-open TU 5.xx, (the newest), tick Set hosts to Cydia, then restart TU, after that start TSS server
-open iTunes (10.3.1), set the iPad into DFU mode and do a Shift+Restore

at some point itunes throws an error 20 (on Win7 x64), or an error 1013 (on XP 32 bit).

From what I read, the 1013 error is to be expected, but I can't find a way to exit the recovery loop. The fixrecovery43 from the TU website doesn't help, as on Win7 it crashes immidiately and on XP it closes midway through the recovery process (after it has discovered the iPad in DFU mode) and TU's fix recovery tool doesn't help either.

Are there any other steps to be taken? At the moment, I have given up and am now installing 4.3.4, so that the iPad 2 can at least be used.

I realize that there are lot's of threads regarding this topic and I have read most of them, but to no avail.
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I am assuming it is a 3G iPad2 DUMI? Therefore, iTunes could not get the baseband blobs from Cydia, and put you into a recovery loop. iPad2 cannot be got out of a recovery loop because there is no bootloader exploit yet, and unlike the iPad1 the IOS filesystem is not finalised until after a successful baseband installation.

The SHSH window for 4.3.3 is STILL open. So if you clear your hosts file and DO NOT use TU you will be able to install 4.3.3 if you do it right NOW. It will close any moment, but I've just tested and it is still open. That is your only hope of keeping a jailbreakable firmware. Otherwise you will be stuck on 4.3.4.
Yes, this is a 3G iPad 2.

The weird thing is, even after deleting the host file, does iTunes throw an Error 20 shorty after extracting the firmware. I have already downloaded it twice, to see, whether one was corrupt. A Shift+Restore onto 4.3.4 works fine though and the error comes after itunes verifies the 4.3.3 firmware, so it seems that 4.3.3 does still get signed.

So, for clarification:

-I deleted the host file.
-opened TU and deactivated Set Host file to Cydia on exit
-restarted Windows
-opened iTunes
-connect iPad, which is now in Recovery Mode
-do a Shift+Restore
-shortly after extracting, iTunes gives an Error 20.
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Haven't seen an error 20 for a long time. Last time turning off anti-virus stopped it...
Got it working ;)

Not sure what caused it to work now, but I turned off Teamviewer/Splashtop this time.
Now it's running 4.3.3, and it seems just in time. I had no idea about the bootloader exploit not working on iPad 2.

f4780y, your help is very much appreciated.
Thank you!!! f4780y

f4780y I am assuming it is a 3G iPad2 DUMI? Therefore, iTunes could not get the baseband blobs from Cydia, and put you into a recovery loop. iPad2 cannot be got out of a recovery loop because there is no bootloader exploit yet, and unlike the iPad1 the IOS filesystem is not finalised until after a successful baseband installation.

The SHSH window for 4.3.3 is STILL open. So if you clear your hosts file and DO NOT use TU you will be able to install 4.3.3 if you do it right NOW. It will close any moment, but I've just tested and it is still open. That is your only hope of keeping a jailbreakable firmware. Otherwise you will be stuck on 4.3.4.

OMG!!!! you saved me bro, Stupid me installed some update to [...illegal pirate app...] damn it bricked my ipad2 3g wifi ,,,,,,,I had saved my shsh so i thought i was good , tried everything since last night tiny,recboot,fixrecovery , etc over two days of grief .........Lucky i read your post and i was able to get my ipad2 to do a shift restore i guess the window is still up ..
I was just about to give up and go with 4.3.4.......Thanks bro this site rocks!

P.s my wife thanks you stuck on a computer all weekend was not going over to well........
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