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iPad 2 and iOS 9

I just updated my good old ipad2 to ios 9.0.2 there's no noticeable performance drop or increase. It's works exactly like ios 8.3.x

They mentioned this new battery saving mode in ios9 where's it? I can't seem to find it under Settings>Battery. I'm tired of putting ipad on airplane mode to prevent it being connected to wifi forerever while I'm not using it!
I hope this option is avaible for such older device.
Low Power Mode (I suppose you've heard of that?) is not available for iPad. It's a feature that can be enabled on iPhones in Settings - Battery.
Just curious if there is any feedback from users on how iOS 9 is working with the iPad 2?

I just installed iOS 9.0.2 on my iPad 2 & it is a disaster.

My iPad is slower, lagging every time I do something. Hundreds of photos have disappeared, some of the spaces left have a little cloud in one corner which does not restore them. Photos were all reorganized, including creating an album called Selfies which contains pictures of me and pictures of my dog. Nice. App Update is very slow. Tumblr is unusable. Facebook can't find more than a third of my photos to post.

Your experience is not typical and the fact that not everybody experiences what you did after updating their iPad 2 is proof that it's not the update that's causing the problems. If it were, every updated iPad 2 would have the same problems as yours does.

Did you back up your iPad before starting the update? Backing up before updating is always recommended. If your photos weren't stored somewhere else and you didn't back up your iPad, the photos are, unfortunately, gone and can't be recovered.
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Your experience is not typical and the fact that not everybody experiences what you did after updating their iPad 2 is proof that it's not the update that's causing the problems. If it were, every updated iPad 2 would have the same problems as yours does.

Did you back up your iPad before starting the update? Backing up before updating is always recommended. If your photos weren't stored somewhere else and you didn't back up your iPad, the photos are, unfortunately, gone and can't be recovered.

I backed it up to the iCloud so all is, supposedly, not lost. Interestingly, when I went to look at photos this morning, while looking at Albums, one of them disappeared! I opened the album & realized all the photos I had in the cloud were being restored to my iPad. I think what I did was set the 'keep pics in cloud' then changed it back to 'keep them on iPad' so confused things. I watched ios9 churn through all the blanks in photos & it eventually put them all back. I am relieved.

I suspect Facebook will be able to find my photos now. I am still waiting onTumblr to sort out my login problems.

Maybe the lag I am getting will clear up too as ios9 settles in to my iPad.

But putting my dog in the Selfies album?
When you install a major update, a lot of stuff keeps going on in the background for a while, sometimes up to 24 hours. A lot of the initial lagginess and quirks tend to go away after that period.

While the iPad should not have lost any of your pictures with the restore, if you are using iCloud Photo Library (which it sounds like you are), then they get restored back to the iPad. How fast tends to depend on whether you have the Optimize local storage turned on or not. If it's on, it's fast, since you don't download the full versions. If it is on then things can take a couple days, depending on the size of your photo library.

I've never tried switching back and forth between these, so I can't say whether your experience is typical for that.

Tumbler may be different issues. Other than loading the app, there's not a lot the iPad keeps locally; other than temporary caches. If the app isn't working it may be necessary to delete and re-install it. Be sure to check out the App Store reviews and make sure it is actually working with the new iOS.

If you are talking about accessing pictures from the Photo library in Facebook, I suspect you are correct. Once Photos is caught up then things may straighten out on their own.
I'm glad you didn't loose you photos. It can take up to several days for things to settle down after a major iOS update. The reappearance of your photos would have been part of that.

Maybe Apple's face recognition software needs a little more tweaking if it puts dog faces in the selfies album.
I'm glad you didn't loose you photos. It can take up to several days for things to settle down after a major iOS update. The reappearance of your photos would have been part of that.

Maybe Apple's face recognition software needs a little more tweaking if it puts dog faces in the selfies album.

Well, the dog & I do look somewhat alike so I'll give Apple a pass on that one.

However, this 'upgrade' to 9.0.2 has caused another problem. It has slowed Safari down to a crawl. It's like using dial-up. A page, any page, takes typically about a minute to load. And forget opening another tab when I tire of watching the blue progress(!) line crawl across the screen because waiting for that new tab to open is only marginally quicker.

Plus, to close a program, a simple click of the Home button doesn't work. You need two. The whole swiping to get to the other screen is a non-starter & hardly something for Apple to brag about.

And the iCloud. It looks like Apple wants me to put all my photos in thei cloud. I don't see any option to, say, select a year's worth & store them there. As it is I trust Apple way less than when I started on this sorry 'upgrade' saga.

I used to love my iPad. Not any more. Looking for solutions to my many upgrade problems I have seen so many complaints from others online that Apple either won't acknowledge or fails to solve that, for me, the shine is off all those wonderful Apple products. If I can't get my iPad back to where it was I am going to punt it. And I was saving up for and iPad Pro. Too bad.
Well, the dog & I do look somewhat alike so I'll give Apple a pass on that one.

However, this 'upgrade' to 9.0.2 has caused another problem. It has slowed Safari down to a crawl. It's like using dial-up. A page, any page, takes typically about a minute to load. And forget opening another tab when I tire of watching the blue progress(!) line crawl across the screen because waiting for that new tab to open is only marginally quicker.

Plus, to close a program, a simple click of the Home button doesn't work. You need two. The whole swiping to get to the other screen is a non-starter & hardly something for Apple to brag about.

And the iCloud. It looks like Apple wants me to put all my photos in thei cloud. I don't see any option to, say, select a year's worth & store them there. As it is I trust Apple way less than when I started on this sorry 'upgrade' saga.

I used to love my iPad. Not any more. Looking for solutions to my many upgrade problems I have seen so many complaints from others online that Apple either won't acknowledge or fails to solve that, for me, the shine is off all those wonderful Apple products. If I can't get my iPad back to where it was I am going to punt it. And I was saving up for and iPad Pro. Too bad.

More bad news:

Safari is very slow even when speed test tells me my connection is fast. It dumps me out all the time. I can't follow links. Sometimes it just goes blank. Closing a link is almost impossible. You can no longer just tap the 'x'.

Everything is slower. Everything.

Tumblr doesn't work any more, even after I reset my password. It worked for a while and when I tried to use the app again, nope, password wouldn't work.

Nothing seems to open without two or more clicks.

And on and on and on. I am going to the so-called Genius Bar and the way I feel right now I may just stick my iPad up some genius's ass. I used to love this iPad. I almost hate it now. At least I can still read The Guardian on it. One bright spot.
When you install a major update, a lot of stuff keeps going on in the background for a while, sometimes up to 24 hours. A lot of the initial lagginess and quirks tend to go away after that period.

While the iPad should not have lost any of your pictures with the restore, if you are using iCloud Photo Library (which it sounds like you are), then they get restored back to the iPad. How fast tends to depend on whether you have the Optimize local storage turned on or not. If it's on, it's fast, since you don't download the full versions. If it is on then things can take a couple days, depending on the size of your photo library.

I've never tried switching back and forth between these, so I can't say whether your experience is typical for that.

Tumbler may be different issues. Other than loading the app, there's not a lot the iPad keeps locally; other than temporary caches. If the app isn't working it may be necessary to delete and re-install it. Be sure to check out the App Store reviews and make sure it is actually working with the new iOS.

If you are talking about accessing pictures from the Photo library in Facebook, I suspect you are correct. Once Photos is caught up then things may straighten out on their own.

Oh the irony! I just got dumped out while trying to read your post. Thanks for the reply. I think my solution may be to take a framing hammer to this thing.
I updated to 9.0.2 hoping it would solve issues I have had. unfortunately my Wifi still drops, app start up is slow, Safari unexpectedly closes returning me to the home screen, I get a message in Safari quite often saying there was a problem with the website so it is being reloaded. Very frustrating I wish I could go back to the original iPad 2 OS.
I updated to IOS 9.0.2 about 3 days ago and it has been a disaster, the internet is virtually unuseable. Web pages keep reloading as you are trying to read them. The keyboard is useless on the internet owing to the lagging problems. Have been thinking about upgrading my Ipad 2 but am now beginning to think an Android tablet may be a better bet.
I updated to IOS 9.0.2 about 3 days ago and it has been a disaster, the internet is virtually unuseable. Web pages keep reloading as you are trying to read them. The keyboard is useless on the internet owing to the lagging problems. Have been thinking about upgrading my Ipad 2 but am now beginning to think an Android tablet may be a better bet.
Try going to Settings>Safari>Clear History and Website Data. This has worked for users on various devices.j
This bug with Safari dates back to last year and hasn't been fixed yet. Clearing history and website data will m are your iPad work properly on the Internet. You should clear history and website data every time you notice the problem returning.
Latest on me and my ipad2.
1. iOS9 updates had no effect at all; ipad2 kept crashing
2. I made notes,,forwarded important files and then did a complete reimstall, without using the backup I made on my computer

and hurray: my ipad2 is working again like it should!

For more than 2 days so I think it's going to stay.

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