Since the first days after buying my iPad 2 I have wondered whether my battery performance compared to Apples advertized battery life of 10 hours. At first, I thought I was getting exactly that. Getting up in the morning I would check my e-mail, update apps, surf a bit or read my local newspaper. Then off to work I would go, leaving my iPad at home. After work the iPad would be used heavily from 5 to 9 in the evening. If my battery wasn't drained it was awfully close and I would plug it in to recharge overnight. Doing the math, this adds up to 5 hours of heavy use. Sure it was on from 7 AM to 9 PM, but during the daylight hours it wasn't being used! Does this sound similar to your experience?
I started searching the web if others experienced the same thing. Here is what every iPad 2 owner needs to know. Since the release of iOS 4.3, Apple has inadvertantly introduced a bug (my assumption) that causes a battery drain. The culprit is Ping, Apple's failed social network. You must turn Ping off to regain normal battery performance.
To turn off "Ping"
• First, go to Settings
• Then General
• Then Restrictions

• Now click on "enable restrictions"
• Enter a pin code (don't forget it!)
• Finally, turn Ping off (while you're at it, turn other things off that you don't think you need)

I had a noticeable improvement. Has turning off Ping helped your battery life?
Here's hoping that Apple fixes this in a future iOS update.