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ipad 2 internet


iPF Noob
HI new to the forum uk Right i am getting a ipad 2 16gb for my bithday which is a week on Saturday just wanted to know is the internet browsing a good day to day use or do you still use the laptop for internet use ?
I only bought my Ipad yesterday and it really is quality and i can see myself not using my laptop as much if im honest! Just a little tip if your looking at using your Ipad for films etc i would get at least a 32GB :) but its up to you!
no just want it for photos and music really and the odd few apps and the internet for stuff like facebook twitter and paying bills and email just stuff like that and the odd game
For "browsing" the iPad is fine. For intensive use of the web for purposes such as research, there are inherent limitations. About 95% of my internet use is on my desktop or laptop where I have multiple monitors and can have multiple resizable windows on each one. But that is quite different from a user who accesses the web for casual consumption of a single web page at a time. Furthermore, depending upon the web sites you frequent, you may find the absence of support for "flash" in the Safari web browser to be a limitation. Other browsers overcome that limitation to some extent but since there is no way to change your "default" browser on the iPad, that introduces other annoyances.

No one can tell you whether the iPad is adequate for your needs without knowing more about your requirements. In general, if you find that your latop/desktop is overkill for your requirements, the iPad will be a reasonable substitute. On the other hand, if your requirements fall toward the "power user" end of the spectrum, you may find the iPad to be a good complement to your other system(s) (I do.) but you're unlikely to find that it is an adequate substitute.
it will be just browsing like Facebook abit off Google twitter, bill paying and youtube just casual stuff really
You should be fine in that case. Its worthwhile downloading the respective apps for things like twitter. It makes life a whole lot easier. It's also worth remembering the IPad can only allow 9 tabs to be open in safari at a time although I'm sure other browsers probably allow more.
If I had to list the top three uses for which the iPad is best suited, internet browsing would most certainly be included.
Since getting an iPad I've abandoned my home PC. I use it for surfing, reading newspapers and magazines, books, watching TV shows and movies.
At work it's a research tool thanks to some excellent business and financial markets apps, paid and free.

Just so you remember for the future, If you are a gamer on facebook games these games do not work on Ipad as the Ipad does not support Flash

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