Does any present owner of a I Pad feel screwed over by the release of I Pad v.2?
While I fully understand the need for Apple to improve their products, I cannot believe that Apple did not have these v.2 improvements already on the "drawing boards" at the time they released v.1.
Apple, has been overwhelmingly successful this past year, registering record profits and soaring prices for their stock.
How greedy can you be, taking advantage, (especially in this economy) by releasing v.2 so soon after the release of v.1?
While many of Apple's loyal customers are genuinely excited at Apple's making a "magical", product truly improved, (us early adopters), I feel that Apple, has indeed, demonstrated, that any prospective purchaser of the release of a new product, should keep their hard earned cash in their wallet - wait at least a year, so that Apple does not use your loyalty and enthusiasm, to pick your pocket. Anyone annoyed?[/quote
It seems that you just always want to have the newest/best device and you can't really fault Apple for that, except maybe Apple's marketing department just a little