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ipad 2 or new iphone

Simply based on the cycle I suspect the iPhone is more likely to be refreshed before the iPad. Likewise, I find more value in the iPad over the iPhone. Once you start viewing apps on the larger screen its hard to go back to the iPhone for that purpose.
Yes that's true haha, the ipad2 is so crisp and fine :)

I would recommend you DO NOT upgrade to iphone4 from 3GS, I don't think is worth the money, also rumors on the iphone5 so you should definitely wait just IMO.

Is ipad2 worth buying? YES, base on the spec, resolution, etc. This E-book or whatever will be good for a long time lol Hope that helps!
My iPad2, purchased in April, is my first Apple product. I am planning to purchase an iPhone when the 5 comes out as 1) my iPad2 is wifi only and it will be nice to have a device to tether to and 2) the phone, being smaller and more portable will be perfect for those apps that I'd want to use on-the-go, like listing and scanning grocery items, etc.

As others have said, if you think about your specific lifestyle and uses for the devices, your path will be made clear to you. :)
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I have iPhone 4 and iPad 2. Love them both. If I were you, I'd keep 3GS iPhone and get iPad 2 now. The 3 won't be out til Mar 12. And iOS 5 is gonna rock the tech world come September...I'd want the iOS 5 on an iPad so I can take full advantage of it's features. Peep the iOS 5 video Apple's website. It's going to be bananas.

Sent from Scooter, my White Verizon 32GB iPad2, using iPF
Rockbottom said:
It really depends on how you use your phone. I have both an iPad 2 and an iPhone 4 and I hardly use the iPhone other than for calling people. I get a lot more benefit from the iPad. But again it depends on your life style.

Sent from my iPad2 3G 32 gig / using iPF

+1. I have both and since I got the iPad 2 I only use iPhone 4 for phonecalls,

That is my experience... Smartphones were great because of all the neat stuff they could do and I absolutely loved mine... since I got my iPad 2, I really only use my Thunderbolt for calls and navigation and 4G Internet access for my iPad and my laptop...

Tablets have the capacity to make all the capabilities of smartphones less relevant... everything I loved about my Thunderbolt, I love more about my iPad 2 with the exception of phone calls, WAN Internet access, still photographs and navigation.

I hope that Apple finds a way to make tethering for no additional charge a feature of the next iOS.
I just got an iPad2 for fathers day. I use a Droid for my cell, I am up for an upgrade for a cell on VZW, trying to wait and see if the iPhone 5 will come out with iOS 5 or see if android comes out with something better. Patience is not my strong suit!

Sent from my iPad 2 64gb 3G using iPF
Do you buy the iPad2 now or wait until September and buy the iPad3?
personlly, I hardly use my iPhone4 since I got my iPad back in January and I wouldn't wait another couple of months for the 3 - but iam very impatient....
Confucious said:
Do you buy the iPad2 now or wait until September and buy the iPad3?
personlly, I hardly use my iPhone4 since I got my iPad back in January and I wouldn't wait another couple of months for the 3 - but iam very impatient....

No one knows when the ipad 3 will come out, and chances are, it will be next year. Apple never change the way they do things. Thats why we still have no flash.

Sent from my iPad 2 32GB White using iPF

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