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Ipad 2 Safari bookmarks


iPF Noob

I created some bookmarks and I can not view them. Apparently + sign should be near the address bar, but I am not seeing it? Ay suggestions?
There should be an open book symbol to the left of the address bar. Clicking on that should show a list of all bookmarks, and option to view bookmark bar or bookmark menu. Some times when I create a bookmark it goes to "menu" or "list" instead of "bar".
Also, the plus sign disappeared an update or so ago. The bookmark creation options are now under the share icon to the immediate left of the URL field. It looks like a box with an arrow coming out of it.
twerppoet said:
Also, the plus sign disappeared an update or so ago. The bookmark creation options are now under the share icon to the immediate left of the URL field. It looks like a box with an arrow coming out of it.

Ok.. That is what I have been using. I am able to create bookmarks, but how donI view the list?
There's a open book-like icon next to that curvy arrow in Safari. If you press on that, a pop-up will open to show your bookmarks. You may have to navigate in that pop-up as sometimes there are buttons on both sides (at the top) of that pop-up.

In addition, within that same pop-up, you will see an "Edit" button. That's what you use to delete your bookmarks, move them up and down the list or move them to different folders.

Hope this helps.


P.S. Just noticed that this is what Jeeper said ... but I don't feel like wasting my typing... :D
I have the same problem. I registered on this forum just to post.

The arrow out of the box icon only lists add bookmark but no bookmarks are viewable on the bookmark bar. The open book icon forth from the right Only lists history.
When the open book says history it has a bookmarks button to the left. Touch that and you will get a list that includes history, bookmarks menu, bookmarks bar, and some bookmarks.
Help bookmark

In safari the star to bookmark an address is no more there and can,t find other choice to bookmark, I bookmark many pages but now the choice is no longer there, somebody know what its that?

To create a bookmark in Safari you use the icon just to the left of the URL field. It looks like a box with an arrow coming out of it. Tap it and you will see several options, including bookmark.

To access your bookmarks after they have been saved you use the icon that looks like an open book. If you aren't seeing what you expect tap the button that appears at the top left of the bookmark list. It will take you up one level each tap, until you can see the top level folders and History.

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