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iPad 2 safari PLEASE HELP!


iPF Noob
Hey I have a iPad 2 with iOS 5.0.1.It's jail broken and everything worked fine until I installed this (You Can Install Siri on iPad 2 with Spire). It didn't work on my iPad idk why I followed all the steps and it didn't work. After I done that I noticed that videos on my iPad in safari wouldn't work. They loaded but they kept loading but never start playing. I went back undone all the steps that I previously did but safari still wouldn't work. I think I did something wrong in ifile. I'm kinda desperate because I'm sick and tired of not being able to watch videos. The weirdest part is YouTube works but the protube from cydia doesn't.I went to installed in cydia and deleted spire,then went back to all the ifile changes i made and corrected them but it still wont work.I need help please someone help me!
First, I've moved your thread over to the Hacking section - hopefully someone will see it and be able to assist.

I say that because I don't know how to help. The best answer is to restore/rejailbreak your iPad2 to start fresh - but you DON'T want to do that because you'll lose your jail break.

So, when you say "you did something wrong in iFile" - what, exactly did you do? Did you delete or modify files? Which ones?

Unfortunately, you put something on your ipad2 that really wasn't designed for it. Hopefully, one of the more knowledgeable-about-Spire people can help.

Sorry, but I can't.

Sorry, I don't know what to suggest either. Putting Siri on the iPad is a horrible and unreliable hack. Undoing it whilst preserving the integrity of the jailbreak is not something I have done.

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