Thanks for that, my smile for the day! Of course I was asking about the glass. The reason I really wanted to know is because if it is ceramic like oven tops, sugar can do major damage to the glass!
Is that picture of what looks like the inside of an iPad real or part of the spoof? Has anyone looked inside an iPad and taken a picture? How I would LOVE to see that!
Sorry I'm straying from the glass thread but figure you guys are so well informed you would be the best one's to ask, and since I have your attention I am asking. Sorry ( not too much ) for going off topic!the photo I was referring to was in laugh of the day, by SparkyScott21 posted on 04-04-2013 @ 1:14 PM
you DO realize that the Stove app from itunes does not really heat up hot enough to cook on, right? So sugar is not a problem.