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iPad 2 Users In The UK

I know the feeling, i am saving for the mac book air or pro.

Ok i got 3 app updates (havent updated), all for the ipad retina screen, i op on ipad 1, do i need to update these apps?

RIP Steve Jobs 
Good karma said:
Oh thanks, and need to download the new i tunes also which means turning on the dreaded laptop lol

RIP Steve Jobs 

Yup!! Think that's why devices wouldn't update OTA!!! ;(. Now working on iPhone.

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.1!!! Update From NYC using iPF
Hayles66 said:
I wish I had the money to buy it now!

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF

Ditto, Hayley. And it is being launched on my birthday. Hey Ho! Still we will be in Paris for the weekend which is some compensation :)

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
Lucky you! The last we were in Paris was when DisneyParis opened! 20 years ago? Gulp. I'd love to take hubby up the Eiffel tower this time.

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
Where are all my old pals? Even though it says iPad 2 in UK. I never did own one. I was an original but live in UK.

Sent from my fantastically, wonderful iPhone using iPF
I have the same problem with my newly purchased iPad 2 !
I can get all the 'catch-up' archived programmes but the 'live' broadcasts, although working when the app was initially installed just won't play - all I get is that annoying little circle animation.
Anyone any ideas
My ipad2 was superb until I upgraded to IO6 so as a new user to this forum from the UK I thought I could use this post of yours to try to get some help? Basicallly I have a few hundred albums on my main computer which are backed up to the the icloud. I used to be able to see all the album covers on my ipad2 and I had some tracks permanently downloaded on my ipad with the ability to download any track from the stored items on the icloud. Since upgrading I get blank album covers and and ipad2 that is constantly working whenever I try to play anything. No music plays at all even if I wait for an age. What happened? Also I can no longer update apps as it just repeats the process of constantly waiting..........
glad to hear I'm not alone. Any IO6 users out there got an answer - that is how to restate the music you had working perfectly once you have upgraded from Io5 to 6 ?
Try syncing with your laptop and delete your songs on iPad. I did this for IOS5. Reload with songs and it should do it.
I'm not sure of the iTunes cloud account but if they are iTunes, I suppose you will need to redownload the songs from the purchased button on the store.
Have you tried resetting by pressing home and off switch together until slide to close appears and then press both buttons until apple sign appears.

Sent from my new iPad using iPF

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