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iPad 2 WiFi issues... Frustrating!!

Also noticed that alot of your wireless house phones operate @2.4ghz range and anytime the wife or even neighbor were on the phone I would intermitenally lose wifi signal...
It is always a good idea to make sure that the own wifi is not on the same channel as someone else's.

Under windows, InSSIDer is a great and free tool to analyze the surrounding networks, so one can quickly determine on which channels the other wifi's operate.

But if it is possible, then the 5GHz network should be preferred over 2.4GHz, as it causes less interference with other devices and also has a larger range of channels available.
Mine was working fine until the other night when I let the battery go dead. I'm thinking it's coincidence but I'm not totally convinced it is. I've done all the above steps suggested but when my iPad goes to sleep it no longer pings my router when I wake it up and try to access the wifi. I turn wifi off then on , it starts working fine again. This issue is not just on my home network and didn't start until a full battery drain. My Omnia used forget my network at least twice a week or do what my iPad is doing but it was a known Windows Mobile issue. My Inc refused to work with my Belkin router and changing routers was the only way I was able to get wifi for it. My iPad worked flawlessly until the other night. My first iPad( screen broke on it) acted like this one is doing now until I upgraded to 4.3 but this one is on 4.3.1. I'm apprehensive about upgrading to 4.3.2 until I read more than just a bugs thread unless that is the only way to solve it.
I agree with the above post about cordless phones. My wife has one upstairs on the opposite end of the house from the wifi router,which is downstairs and it shuts the wifi down to everything when she uses the phone, thankfully only about once a month if the other cordless phone is on charge when she needs the home phone.
My wife has the same model but with 4.2 on it and hers is trouble free on wifi.

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I just upgraded my wireless router's firmware yesterday and left my ipad 2 idle.. checked after 2 hours, still connecting to internet with no issues. no need to switch to airplane mode on and off any more... Before it was taking 10 mins of idle time to lose the wifi connection.

My router is Belkin F5D8235-4 and upgraded its firmware from 2.01.04 (default one when I purchased it more than a year ago) to 2.01.09 which is the latest release as of 7/14/2011..

I kept the original default settings for wireless access - still connecting to G&B&N..

Only change I did was switching from auto channel to a random one I picked.. (I picked wireless channel as 8 and extension channel as 4) thinking many people are keeping that on auto..

Over 24 hours passed, slept and woke up - ipad2 still connecting to Wifi with no issues.

I was lately having similar disconnects on my IMAC and Macbook and they are fixed as well together with Ipad2.

But this does not fix the problem on Apple's end. I still have similar disconnect issues at my friend's house. We can not force everyone to upgrade their router firmwares for Ipads..

Apple help us out here.... I left my same comment on apple discussion board as well..
I'm not exactly sure what all the previous problems were that had been discussed, as there is more than one possibility for a WiFi disconnect/reconnect problem. Mine has been with internet connectivity of the iPad2 tethered to the iPhone4. When the iPad comes out of sleep, the two cannot re-negotiate a full connection. The link between the two might be established, but the DHCP entries for gateway and DNS get lost and can not be re-assigned without restarting the whole connection process - which entails turning off WiFi and tethering modes on both the pad and the phone, then turning them back on again (in the proper sequence). This being with the native tethering protocols - which I have signed on and am paying for through Verizon.

I also have MiWi installed and, just yesterday, discovered the MiWi OnDemand service and installed it on both units. It's a Bluetooth operation, and is FAR MORE RELIABLE than the WiFi. Still, I need to resolve the WiFi issue so that I can use that which I'm paying for (Verizon's tethering plan, at $20.00 a month). I haven't yet investigated using Verizon's/iPhone/iPad tethering through Bluetooth yet (frankly just thought of it right now. Boy, writing this stuff out can really help the thought processes sometimes.)

So, even with iPads 4.3.3 and iPhone's 4.2.8, there still is definately a problem with all this. It isn't bad enough for me to chuck either the phone or the pad, but annoying enough for me to take the time to write about it. Hopefully there's some more recent discoveries and info by knowledgeble folks here.

Thanks for reading.
I have the same problems and even replaced the iPad for it as they could not troubleshoot it. Mine started with 4.3.3 but the new one is on 4.3.2 and still does it. I forget the site I found this but I can tell you what is happening. Or at least how to fix it... :)

It's the push/auto connect settings. When you close the lid it goes to sleep but the
Push does not. If there is any issue with it failing to connect while asleep it will never try to reconnect and when you open will stop working. A simple test - go into settings and try renew lease. It'll come back immediately

I have tried resetting network, the whole thing, even replacing it. The way I have fixed it, and it works, is to turn off any programs that have a push/always connect setting. I turned off the mail, as that was the only one, and its fine. I have a phone that tells me about mail so that's not a huge issue. Somewhat annoying, but the only option unfortunately.

The apple store and the phone support had no ideas. I saw this explained on a site, I think for Princeton for their wifi, but don't remember, just that it's a pain in the @ss...
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I have said this before but happy to repeat it.

Many routers have old technology on board and new devices like the ipad and even some laptops can have issues. The problem also is there is no real standard for "N" protocol so in some cases it is hit and miss. I have owned both ipad 1&2 and suffered from the problem with my cable netgear modem (Telstra) and also work router Cisco) finally had Telstra replace my modem router and bingo all was fixed. I also fixed it by by passing the modem router and adding a new net gear but now just have the one all in one unit

In addition the company I work for ie The Good Guys (electrical retailer Australia - similar to Best Buy ) upgraded all 100 stores as they to were having problems with not only ipads but also some Android tablets and laptops not to mention smart tv's. that we have for demonstration that suffered poor connection and drop out. Now all work fine. Upgrading the Roms is first choice however at the end of the day one may need to replace the modem router or router. What I find interesting is last year many wifi hot spots had issues now seems most just work fine. My local macdonalds also upgraded their routers as some customers complained about connection issues again many different devices Inc smart phones. Fimally i have upgraded some 30 computer sites mainly mac based many with ipads and android devices and all work fine now. Be aware just because your laptop connects and all seems fine means nothing. It is the newer devices that can have problems even xbox wii and playstations. Another solution is apple's airport dual channel extreme. It works great as well

Hope this helps
Here is the latest for me. Even though I did the reset thing, I started having problems again. We upgraded the router firmware and created a separate secure network just for the iPad. I'll let y'all know what happens.
SweetPoison said:
That is a good thing, because they won't see it here. We are not affiliated with Apple. Only by their products.

I know of IPF not being related to Apple, but believe me, they are reading this. It is just like big brother.

If you want to put a good product on the Market you rely on what people say. Not only on the medium that you prefer, but elsewhere as well.

I believe Apple is scanning the web for all sorts of information all the time.



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col.bris said:
Another solution is apple's airport dual channel extreme. It works great as well

Hope this helps

Absolutely true. No issues with the AE. Only thing is that its range is not as good as others.



Sent from my iPad using iPF
I guess Americans live in mansions the size of a super market. Lol sorry could not resist.

In most cases we have hadn't problems with the Apple extreme even though I do not use one I have several customers whom installed the extreme for back up and also better wifi connection non whom have complained about the range it just works and also excellent for moving large files or downloading to multiple computers.
I can only help with your WiFi in the home.

Very large house with a lot of walls between router and where I normally use the iPad.

Got Netgears Universal WiFi Range Extender: All I can say is no more problems anywhere is the house and usually within a fair distance outside.

Good luck.
The first thing I would try doing is changing the channel on one of the routers, they could be competing with each other, or even another wireless device, such as a wireless phone, or even a tv, or microwave could interfere, or I even had problems with a neighbors router once, even though they were a good 100 feet away it was just close enough to my router that it caused issues till I changed the channel.
Well I have bought a new iPad2 three months ago from Dubai in UAE, when I was on a business trip there, and I returned back to Egypt, when I first used the iPad I found that it's very poor in wifi, so I thought that all the iPads had the same issue until last month my friend bought a new ipad2 and it's very good in wifi compared to my device, wherefore me I have to be next to the router so that the iPad will get a signal and it is always not complete signal, unlike my friend he get perfect signal from any room in the house, so I went to tradline an official reseller of apple products and he told me that my wifi device seems to be defective, and told me that it should be replaced in any apple store for free, so I want to get a contact to any apple store near my country, maybe even UAE, so that I can discuss that issue with them, so does any one have a direct email address to any contact person in any apple store?

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