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iPad 3G Delayed Until May 7th in US

my mistake. Apparently my old eyes jumped a line. I took delivery of my 10w usb power adapter today. When checking the bank this morning i noted that apple had blocked the money for the ipad. I then went to order status and read the wrong line. I heard that apple has announced delivery on april 30th. I guess this old man will just have to wait another week for christmas.

Thanks for clarifying TomCat - I wish you would have been right. I've got several people who are waiting on 3G models and once Apple announced the 30th as the delivery date we were planning on an un-boxing / champagne party for a week from today.
My mistake. Apparently my old eyes jumped a line. I took delivery of my 10W USB Power Adapter today. When checking the bank this morning I noted that Apple had blocked the money for the Ipad. I then went to order status and read the wrong line. I heard that Apple has announced delivery on April 30th. I guess this old man will just have to wait another week for Christmas.

You came real close to being sent to trollville sir.
According to Apple and FEDEX my iPad 3G Wifi with 64 GB will arrive TODAY BEFORE 10:30 AM. This is April 23 and it was shipped from China on April 20th. THANK YOU APPLE !!!!
The status shows a shippmnet date..... that is so.. Lucky devil you.. mine still shows "late April"
Just got off the phone with apple rep.. says they debitted me today.. so i guess that Tuesday then.. the suspense is killing

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