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iPad 3G Support Group Thread

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Wow some of you are really needing a reality check this is not a big deal it's just a piece of plastic and some silicone! Come on now get a grip. I hope that we don't see someone go postal on us.

I think that most of us are less annoyed about not getting our gadgets than we are by those few individuals that inhabit most forums who are, to be polite, less than honest (or to give them the benefit of the doubt, just not too bright) and raise false hopes.

One of the prices we pay for the anonymity of the internet. In the old days, when folks lived in small towns and everyone knew each other, such behavior would have been corrected by your neighbors in a speedy and unpleasant fashion.
There has been a bit of that, but most of the claims (mine included) said only that a pre-authorization had been made. Many times the only way to check for a pre-auth is to subtract what your available credit is from what it should be (based on credit limit and balance). In my case, the difference is $950. I don't know for certain that this is Apple's doing, but the amount is about right.

There are enough others who are seeing the same thing to lead me to believe that Apple may be the one doing the pre-auths. There are many who are saying they don't have a charge listed, but that's not relevant. I don't have a charge listed either - it's a pre-auth, and in my case it doesn't even show a line item.

If these pre-auths are from Apple, it does seem odd that they would initiate them so early if they don't intend to ship for another week. So, I'm holding out a slim hope that at least some of us will get them early, perhaps soon.

Now, bring on more of the "OMG you people have no life! It'll come when it comes!!" posts. I love reading that from other addicts checking a thread dedicated to the 3G ship date. :D
I agree that the timing of the pre-auth is a little strange. Usually when I order from Amazon and its various vendors, as an example, I see the pre-auth and then shipment is a day or two away. But then again, the release of a product like this is not normal, and I suppose the logistics in such a large-scale launch could cause the rules of the game to be changed, so to speak.

I'm a little disappointed that the release won't be on the 24th, but at least I have a solid date now (30th). The funny thing about the waiting period is that while it feels like hell as the minutes pass by, all this will be forgotten once the device is in our hands.

I guess I'll just spend these 10 days looking for more free apps to add to my collection of 103.
There has been a bit of that, but most of the claims (mine included) said only that a pre-authorization had been made. Many times the only way to check for a pre-auth is to subtract what your available credit is from what it should be (based on credit limit and balance). In my case, the difference is $950. I don't know for certain that this is Apple's doing, but the amount is about right.

There are enough others who are seeing the same thing to lead me to believe that Apple may be the one doing the pre-auths. There are many who are saying they don't have a charge listed, but that's not relevant. I don't have a charge listed either - it's a pre-auth, and in my case it doesn't even show a line item.

If these pre-auths are from Apple, it does seem odd that they would initiate them so early if they don't intend to ship for another week. So, I'm holding out a slim hope that at least some of us will get them early, perhaps soon.

Now, bring on more of the "OMG you people have no life! It'll come when it comes!!" posts. I love reading that from other addicts checking a thread dedicated to the 3G ship date. :D

Exactly as you say. I called my cc company, capital one, and was told that I have a pending charge from Apple, Inc. So I'm satisfied with the news and will await whenever I receive the iPad whether its this week or on the 30th. However, it seems strange to put a hold on the funds 10 days out, if they aren't shipping until April 28 or 29th. Again it doesn't matter, it will come just as the almighty Steve has said.
Here are my Order Details from Apple Store, I have replaced some numbers with xxxx to protect my order.

Order details

Shop the Apple Store
Login with your Apple ID to make changes to your order.

Order Number: W69xxxxxx
Sales Ref Number: 7132xxxxxx
Order Date: Mar 27, 2010 at 01:36 PM PDT

Shipping Method
Shipping Options
Items will be shipped separately as they become available.
Not yet shipped
Product / Part No.



Ships: Late April

Shipped on: Apr 11, 2010 via FEDERAL EXPRESS
Tracking #: 415145xxxxxx (Pre-sign for this shipment)
Product / Part No.


ok... am confused. I have a shipment of the longer charging cord and the Apple Care being delivered on the 23rd by 10:30 am. I was told the Apple care would be coming with the ipad? Could this possibly mean the ipad will be there too? I hope, I hope...:D
It is going to be fustrating having the camera kit and nothing to try it out on. I would surmise the reason for the 5:00 store time is to prevent those without jobs from hogging the store sales.
You can't expect me to believe that Apple has arranged for Fedex to handle priority shipping for as many iPad units that need to be delivered, all in one day, that's BS. That would put a hell of a strain on Fedex. I've got to believe, they will spread it out over the next 10 days.
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It is going to be fustrating having the camera kit and nothing to try it out on. I would surmise the reason for the 5:00 store time is to prevent those without jobs from hogging the store sales.

I think it is to make sure that pre-orders get theirs first. They may be being nice or perhaps they don't want people going into the store to buy one and then returning their pre-orders.

You can't expect me to believe that Apple has arranged for Fedex to handle priority shipping for as many iPad units that need to be delivered, all in one day, that's BS. That would put a hell of a strain on Fedex.

Why not? This is what they did for the wifi launch.

You can't expect me to believe that Apple has arranged for Fedex to handle priority shipping for as many iPad units that need to be delivered, all in one day, that's BS. That would put a hell of a strain on Fedex.

FedEx can handle it. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't already have inventory sitting in various pre-stage locations. FedEx is great at logistics. I guess we will find out as soon as we get tracking numbers where the units are coming from. My spare power supplies shipped from China on the 19th, nothing yet on my Camera Kit, but I ordered it just a couple days ago.
You can't expect me to believe that Apple has arranged for Fedex to handle priority shipping for as many iPad units that need to be delivered, all in one day, that's BS. That would put a hell of a strain on Fedex.

They did the same thing with ups for the wifi launch and that was a Saturday delivery. Hopefully fedex will do a better job.
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