With the the release of the iPad WiFi imminent I think it would be helpful for those of us who are waiting for the 3G version to have a place to come and vent and hate and share evil thoughts about waiting and those that are happily enjoying their WiFi versions. If you are a WiFi iPad owner, please leave this thread right now and go to a thread where you can gush about how happy you are. We don't want to hear it!

This is in no way intended to disrespect you nor should anything we write in here be taken very seriously but we need a place to lick our wounds and ride out the wave of euphoria that we are missing. You can only download iBook into your iTunes Apps directory without being able to use it so many times before it gets old... We need a place where we can still feel like we are early adopters even if Apple still won't tell us exactly when we will have ours. We need to justify our decision to abuse ourselves with the wait. We need to write about how smart we are for waiting for 3G and how sad all WiFi people will be when they see how VERY COOL we are once we get ours.
I can't wait to go find a hot-spot free zone and surf the web on my iPad. I will surf from my hotel room without having to pay $10/day for WiFi access! I will surf from my car while I wait for my wife to get her iced tea from the Starbuks that I found due to a GPS that only we have! I will read and refresh RSS feeds while sitting on the beach! I will be the coolest!!!!
I feel better already.... ok the pain is back - please help!!!