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iPad 3G Support Group Thread

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Sorry, I didn't mean to "dump on everyone's enthusiasm and excitement" it is just that other then saying the ipad will be here on the 30th there has been no other indications of them being here. Again, my apology.

Irene - take it easy. You joined this forum today. some of us have been on these threads - chasing this mad dog for a month now.

Think of it this way - only 2 more iPadless days.

I will say this, however, I just found out I have to go to a business meeting from 9:00 to 2pm on Friday. I told my 21 year old son that he has to sit in a chair, on the front porch, by the door until I get home. I advised him that if I come home to a "sorry but we missed your delivery" notice on a Friday afternoon - Friday would be his last day above ground!

I'm I'm on the jury you may not get an aquittal, but at least you'll get a mistrial :D
need advice

So I am one of those people who preordered just a couple of days too late to be in on this Friday's delivery...apple says ships on May 7th. I am going on a trip on May 14thand desperately want it for then. I am debating on going and standing in line at best buy tomorrow and seeing if i can get one and thgen cancel my order with apple...what do you think...
How's this for obsessive: I lost internet connectivity around 10:35 am, shortly before I had to leave the computer for the day. I couldn't log into email or Apple order status or these forums. I've spent the entire time between then and now NOT KNOWING...NOT KNOWING the status!!!! Imagine the letdown when I arrived home, fixed the problem (by resetting my modem) to discover....plus la change, plus la meme chose. That's French for Get Me My &%^%() iPad!
Not often do I have the pleasure of saying that I have had a good day at work. Today was a really good day, and this is the perfect topping for it.
Status change: Prepared for Shipment
You lucky dog you! Errrm!... Make that lucky Seadog you!:D

I think Seadogs spoofing us. I just checked my order status and it still say's "Late April" :mad:

BTW, is it just me, or does everyone cringe a bit when they see the "Cancel order" button on that page? I go waaaayyyyyyy around that sucker when I'm on the page.

Fortunately I have been very busy at work this week and last week, so it's kept my mind off. I also built a new DVR computer over the weekend and went to a huge paintball game on Saturday, so the wait hasn't been bad.

Has anyone else realized that the people in the eastern part of the country will get their iPads before the people in the west :p
Just went to order status between this post and my last and......YES! Prepared For Shipment!

I wish I remember the first time I had sex, because this is probably just as good.

OK well, maybe not....but this is pretty good!
Things are happening!!!!

My order literally just changed to "prepared for shipment" minutes ago!!! Hold on everyone--we're about to take off!!!!!!
I sit in front of my computer....hitting refresh every 5 minutes. Silently shivering and ignoring my wife and son. When have I last eaten...I dont know. I do know however that my life is on hold until I receive shipping info. Oh god why!! Oh why must I wait!! I havent gone to work in 3 days, I cannot concentrate on anything, including my bodily functions. Please apple!!! Please...Ship soon.
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Prepared for shipment

WOOT WOOT.... Ordered April 18th... status has now changed to:


Only 2 1/2 more days!!!! Happiness is on it's way :D
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