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iPad 4.2 OS Coming in November

i have my iPad updated to the beta iOs4.2 already and it was indeed amazing. i have not encountered any issues that would make me regret.
"....The avalanche of media outlets offering their content for Apple’s mobile devices demonstrates that Flash is no longer necessary to watch video or consume any kind of web content. And the 200,000 apps on Apple’s App Store proves that Flash isn’t necessary for tens of thousands of developers to create graphically rich applications, including games...

Steve Jobs
April, 2010"

Hah, that's half true! :D How about the sites with flash player only? I tried some, but they all neded me to have flash.... Plus - ok, its power consuming, but I can plug somewhere my phone/ipad, and watch flash apps....Lots of sites stream their videos only in flash players...

So , who's to blame again, The web masters or Aple ;)
Eh flash or not who cares. Html5 is hitting the market and works. What did we have before flash? What was before thumb drives? DVD..CD..floppy disk....

Everything gets better for a reason.

If you need flash on your iPad then get a laptop. I knew before I bought my iPad there was no flash support. It's just like buying anything else. Pros an cons.

But at least the HP slate will suit your needs :-)
Eh flash or not who cares. Html5 is hitting the market and works. What did we have before flash? What was before thumb drives? DVD..CD..floppy disk....

Everything gets better for a reason.

If you need flash on your iPad then get a laptop. I knew before I bought my iPad there was no flash support. It's just like buying anything else. Pros an cons.

But at least the HP slate will suit your needs :-)

My, friend, I already have a laptop :) But I don't always carry it with me as I do with my iPad :) I tried the iPad and I liked it. Then I bought one. The 2 major problems for me is the lack of multitasking, but its fixed already, the other is that it doesn't have flash. Don't understand me wrong,I like my iPad, but the only thing I'm missing for in it to be perfect is the flash...
I have 30-40 hours of live music videos on my site, all in Flash flv format with no security traps, spyware or other problems. Virtually all of these videos are already at third or fourth generation after editing and multiple re-encodings. A large percentage of my customers are older jazz lovers, and they tend to be Mac people ('cause they don't want to have to learn to use their tools - sounds like a put-down, but I'm just repeating what they have said to me...) So Apple's war for control (and do NOT believe for one instant that this is ANYTHING but exactly that - Jobs vs. the universe - again. Read the Jobs anti-Flash rant (follow the link) carefully, like a political ad. Notice the weasel phrasing, the irrelevant tidbits to distract and disarm - this is a Republican vote-for-me speech - all fear-mongering and unsubstantiated half-truths) His paranoia is costing me customers, and thereby money. Now if Stevie-boy really wants the world to get on board, where is the free, guaranteed no-loss video converter that will enable me to update my site without losing quality? Show me the download link, and I'll reconsider updating, now that JW player has an HTML5 option. But as long as I have to make my site look crappier just to please the egomaniac, screw him. A computer is just a tool, no magic. The rest is marketing hype, and this is a shining example.

It's my battery, if I want to run it down, why should Apple stop me? (Steve's answer? "Because I can, peasant...)
"This is a Republican vote-for-me speech..." Now we have politics being brought in where it does NOT belong. Fan-freaking-tastic.
I hope this new Firmware has a Jailbreak! I will update to this Firmware when a Jailbreak is ready for it, otherwise not!
Although my Apple products are currently jailbroken, I have to confess that the advantages that are offered with iOS 4.2 on the iPad are going to cause me to no longer care whether the iPad is jailbroken.

The main reasons I jailbreak the iPhone is to be sure I can add the Internet connectivity to any Windows notebooks in an emergency, and to add firewalls to the call service (iBlacklist and MCleaner).

I have a 64 GB iPhone 3G, and there aren't enough jailbreaking advantages to the iPad to keep me off of iOS 4.2! :-)

I'll snap it up as soon as it's available.
I have 30-40 hours of live music videos on my site, all in Flash flv format with no security traps, spyware or other problems.
Although I understand your point of view, I have the opposite point of view.

I am associated with one of the largest commercial Web sites in the world, and I firmly believe that Flash is simply evil and it has to die. At least twice per month somebody manages to insert some Flash content either by inserting into a post, or via one of the advertising opportunities, that causes a huge ruction for hundreds or even thousands of people and the owners of the site are largely incompetent and inefficient when it comes to tracing the problem and dealing with it.

The gut reaction is going to say that they are idiots. This might very well be the case, but they're not idiots about sites and Flash, and this very big company with quite a few very large Web sites has a problem tracking what goes wrong with Flash and trying to keep people from inserting the kinds of Flash that causes problems.

At some point in the near future, there will be a way (an admittedly processor intensive way) to convert your Flash to another format.

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