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iPad Air Display App for windows XP

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iPF Noob
Jun 14, 2010
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Does anyone know if the iPad Air Display App for using the iPad as an extra PC monitor works in windows XP? I'd like to know before I shell out the money.
In the description is specifically says Mac and nothing about PC so I would bet that it does not work.
May I mention, that we are doing such App? It has been released today. Search the App Store for "MaxiVista".
May I mention, that we are doing such App? It has been released today. Search the App Store for "MaxiVista".


I am a customer of yours for the Windows version of Maxivista (v4), would I also be able to use the IPad for this functionality too? How do I go about loading the software onto the IPad or do I have to purchase via the app store? Also, do I have to update the version on my PC, when I check for updates it claims that I have the latest.

Lol, yes - I was hoping for a free version of the app if I've already paid for the software. Not sure it's possible though for this particular software.
@Rocktiludrop: Thank you for your support.

@Dale600RR: I kindly ask for your understanding that I would not like to hi-jack this thread here for MaxiVista related questions and kindly ask you to post them here. Thank you.
Maxivista won't be a suitable replacement for Air Display until they figure out how to make use of the mutlti touch screen. I feel ripped off.

I should be able to pull a poker game over to it and walk into the other room.
Air Display not only gives you a wireless computer screen extender, but also works as a tablet input device. You can use your finger to draw directly on the screen’s surface. Try it with a Mac calculator app, painting tool, or music control surface!

Maxivista can not and does not make use of the multi touch screen.

I gave Maxivista a try after finding this thread, so I'm voicing my complaint here. I can't believe they charged me 9.99 for this.. its not half the program Air Display is. I feel ripped off. I've bought 50+ apps.. this is the first time, I truly have buyers remorse.
@Sniff: We are sorry if you are not happy with MaxiVista.

However, claiming of being "ripped off" goes a little bit too far, as we do not advertise touch pad functionality at all.

We are sorry if you got this impression and would be eager to learn, which of our marketing material gaves you the impression that we would offer what you have thought. We will immediately update the materials in question.

Can you help?

We thought, it would be clear what MaxiVista has to offer in the video demo.

You seem to compare MaxiVista to Air Display but we never said, that both applications would be identical. They are OSX, we are Windows. A completely different thing.

The advertised purpose of MaxiVista is use to your iPad as an extended screen screen with a very high performance and we believe that we excel in this department. We invented this functionality in 2003 and gathered a lot of experience in display network transmission over the years.

MaxiVista includes sophisticated display data compression algorithms with a high grade of customizability and an interactive performance optimizer wizard that automatically adapts to your individual network environment.


While the iPad is positioned on a stand next to the Windows PC monitor, we believe, that there is little use for the iPad's touch pad, as you can easily use the Windows PC mouse to control elements on the iPad monitor. Of course, there are applications for touch pad support, that would make sense and we consider to add such function to a future MaxiVista version. We just prefer to do the main feature right first, and add additional features at a later point.

MaxiVista Team
iPad as a dual monitor

P.S.: By the way, your sole contribution to this forum at this time are 2 sequential postings to rant about our software in harsh words. Criticism in general is appreciated and we are happy to get user feedback. We are sorry that we could not meet your expectations and hope for your additional feedback to allow us to improve our offerings. I only hope, that I am no victim of a competitor's sock puppet. No offense intended and I apologize, if I am wrong but your posting is somehow suspicious for me in this regard. Time will tell.
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I like using my iPad as a second monitor/independent computer as I hate task switching.
Just a personal preference but one I'm happy to indulge as the speed of the iPad makes it viable in practise.

Like the image of the iPad as a sock puppet to my main machine.........

Hmmm wonder if they'll pay for the icon redesign?
@sniff - I don't use it that way (I use it a second monitor) but definitely agree that if you wanted a touchable screen for your device, this isn't the app for you... and hope it wasn't my comments that misled. In windows land, there are some remote desktop apps that are closer in functionality - see itap, for example - but these aren't really second monitor apps, as far as I know.

I wish after the 50+ apps purchased, that I only had one app that I wasn't happy about that was gathering dust! My most expensive blunder was a $40 nav app that has really old maps - oops. That said, for what I'm doing, maxivista is still one of my MOST used apps and it is the real deal as a second monitor.

@Maxivista - I wouldn't get too embroiled in it - that is the nature of forums :) Maybe just posting that they should PM you and then having a nice refund policy would help.
Actually it was you in this post...

The post says.. "does Air Display work on XP"

And you responded "I have a program I releasing today that does just that"

And I am not a sockpuppet for your competitor... Maybe you need to stay away from all post about Air Display if you are nothing like them. I felt you mislead me personally. Truth is I searched for a release date of Air Display for windows and found this thread.

Lets just say I'm pissed I spent/wasted $9.99 on this and I want my money back so I can get Air Display when the release come out.

I guess.. if you are not supporting the multi-touch.. Then I personally want to make sure nobody else makes the same mistake I did. I want anyone searching for the windows release of air display that finds you, knows the truth. Air Display supports the multi touch screen and Maxivista doesn't. Air Display well take the power of the ipad and adds it to your PC in the form of a multitouch screen. Maxivista effectively reduces your ipad to a basic display, if thats all you want, sell the ipad and buy another monitor.
Actually it was you in this post...

The post says.. "does Air Display work on XP"

And you responded "I have a program I releasing today that does just that"
With all due respect, you need to go back and read the original post:

Does anyone know if the iPad Air Display App for using the iPad as an extra PC monitor works in windows XP? I'd like to know before I shell out the money.

MaxiVista did not mislead you, you didn't read the entire post or misinterpreted the question.

Lets just say I'm pissed I spent/wasted $9.99 on this and I want my money back so I can get Air Display when the release come out.
OK, you're pissed, but you can only get your money back if an app does not work as described. Will it work as a 2nd monitor? Absolutely! It is ultimately up to the buyer to do their own research to determine if it is suitable for their application.

"Caveat Emptor!" Sorry, but I am not feeling your pain.
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