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iPad Air Display App for windows XP

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@ 1991-C4: This was a post about Air Display. Air Display is coming out with a windows version. Maybe Maxivista should stay out of treads about his competitors product if it well lead to people pointing out the difference.

It is ultimately up to the buyer to do their own research to determine if it is suitable for their application.

I don't get a refund because I made a mistake. Ok fair enough.. Then I well make sure others don't make the same mistake.. Hopefully I can stop 100's of others from making the same mistake & wasting 10 bucks.
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We are sorry if you got this impression and would be eager to learn, which of our marketing material gaves you the impression that we would offer what you have thought. We will immediately update the materials in question.

Actually it was you in this post...

I like how there was no response from Maxivista, once I let him know that it was his own post in this thread that mislead me..

I only hope, that I am no victim of a competitor's sock puppet.

It would have been nice if he at least apologized for calling me a competitors sock puppet. I still can't believe he did that. Not very good business practice..
I like how there was no response from Maxivista, once I let him know that it was his own post in this thread that mislead me..
Maybe he was just tired of dealing with YOU!

You just don't get it, do you? He did not mislead you. You mis-read the opening post where the guy asked about using his iPad with AirDisplay as an extra monitor under XP.

MaxiVista was completely 100% spot-on correct in saying that his application would do what the OP wanted it to do - enable the iPad to serve as an extra monitor on an XP system.

The OP never mentioned anything about needing a remote desktop application. You simply assumed he did because that is primarily one of the features of Air Display.

Was the MaxiVista rep acting in the most professional manner? No. He certainly fell short in that respect. Recommending an app in which you have a vested interest is definitely a no-no on this forum and may he hasn't been around because the staff may have told him to knock it off. I am not on the staff here, so that is a total WAG on my part.

Let this be a $10 lesson for you. Get over it and move on.
Sniff, you are showing great talent to ignore evrything.

You fail to read the product description. It was your own ignorence not to read what you buy.

You also fail to read the Maxvista reply. He has not say that you would be a sock puppet. He just say that he would be worry if you would be a sock puppet and he also apologized in advance.

If you would only learn to read!

If asking me you are the perfect example of a sock puppet. I can not imagine a person be so crazy about the thing if there wouldnt be special interest. It looks staged because it is so nonsense. I would not reply to you if I am Maxvista.

Maxvista delivers what they promise. I use it for long time for my Win desktop PC to labtop and are very happy that they offer a choice for the ipad too.
Today we received an "interesting" comment for our App in the App Store:

Funny, that he chose the name "Sniffspam". ;-)


  • sniffspam.webp
    4.6 KB · Views: 681
Well you know what they say... Opinions are like (umm... how can I say this delicately without getting in trouble...) the output end of the alimentary canal. Everyone has one and they usually stink!
Air Display is quite sluggish. Just like on the Mac.

Is there anything how the performance can be improved? Otherwise I think, I'll stick with Maxivista.
Air Display is quite sluggish. Just like on the Mac.

Is there anything how the performance can be improved? Otherwise I think, I'll stick with Maxivista.

One can always improve performance, but I haven't really gotten any reports of Air Display being sluggish. Nearly hundreds of YouTube videos are a testament to how efficient the compression algorithm is and how well mouse tracking actually works.
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I don't trust youtube videos because often they are paid 'hoooray' reviews. Just like the most fake Appstore and many blog reviews.

The only thing that counts is actually testing it out.

I made a side by side comparison and found Air Display to be slower than Maxivista.

Canadacow, are you affiliated with Air Display? Would be nice if you indicate it with your praises if it is the case.
I made a side by side comparison and found Air Display to be slower than Maxivista.

I did a side by side comparison and found that Maxivista can't use the touchscreen.

And again.. to answer all the maxivista fan boys.. No I'm not affiliated w/ Airdisplay. Just a musician who wanted multitouch feature added to his pc apps.

At Maxivista: I made a mistake after reading your post in this Air Display thread. Yup I said it, my mistake. But since "YOU" were involved w/ the conversation that lead to my mistake I asked you for a refund. You not only didn't give me a refund, but you unprofessionally called me a sock puppet. Note: If you would have giving me my money back I would have disappeared, instead I stick around to make sure others didn't make the same mistake.
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Sorry to thread resurrect but Air Display's Windows drivers are done and released! Check them out on Avatron's website!

Thanks for the heads up. I didn't know the drivers were out until I was notified about this post. I have millions of uses for this App. It allows me to pull my mixer over to it from Cubase & Samplitude and adjust up to 8 sliders in real time! This gives me full multitouch control over any App or virtual instrument on my PC. I'm very happy now! :D
I don't trust youtube videos because often they are paid 'hoooray' reviews. Just like the most fake Appstore and many blog reviews.

The only thing that counts is actually testing it out.

I made a side by side comparison and found Air Display to be slower than Maxivista.

Canadacow, are you affiliated with Air Display? Would be nice if you indicate it with your praises if it is the case.

Yes, I am the lead developer for Air Display. I also have little interest in debating the performance of Maxivista vs. Air Display. As the developer I stand by what we've done (just as I'm sure Gunner would stand by Maxivista's work.)

That being said, would you care to give specifics where you felt it was slower? I've seen both and I have a pretty clear idea in my mind where things can be improved on both sides. I'd like to hear your impressions.
@Sniff: We cannot issue refunds as you purchaseed the App from Apple, not from us. We cannot issue a refund as we even do not know your name. We are the maker, not the vendor. You would need to file a refund request to the AppStore support.

I have not called you a sock puppet. I kindly ask you to please read my posting again.
Sniffy, your defamatory MaxiVista AppStore review with its overly promotional competitor advertisement is a fine indicator that you are a sock puppet. Bonus points for your persistence to defend your ignorance. Are you even proud about your stupidity?

You made a mistake. Take responsibility for your failure instead of blaming others!

The crazy thing with your “reviewâ€: You complain about lack of functionality that was never advertised. On top of that, you wildly promote a competitor product that did not even EXIST at that time. This is plain ridiculous if not intended as shameless advertisement.

Now for another “coincidenceâ€: Is “Canadacow†not the same poster, who wrote yet another defamatory fake “review†against another competitor, called iDisplay?

iDisplay review by canadacow — AppComments.com

The funny part about it is that “Canacow†actually criticizes iDisplay about something what AirDisplay themselves seem to be doing in perfection if you look at the AirDisplay reviews.

These overly enthusiastic reviews have one interesting aspect: They often follow the scheme “I tried all competitors but yours is best!†since there was competition. How obvious.

This really stinks!

AirDisplay really should reconsider their marketing ethics. Make good programs but don't harass your competition in such obnoxious manner.

In your words, this really is pathetic.
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