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Ipad air not charging, shop says its motherboard. true?


iPF Noob
my ipad air (first gen) has stopped taking a charge. it started slowly with my having to take out the plug, turning it over and plugging it back in to get it to charge, then it got to the point of charging very very slowly and without the battery icon turning green and no sound to let you know its plugged in. then it just stopped charging all together. its now stuck on 2% battery and wont charge and when i plug it in to the wall charger i get a big battery icon center screen with a lightening bolt and charge plug icon and that's all. left plugged in for 8 hours it wont raise past the 2%. I took it too a shop who said they tried to fix it but the motherboard was shot. honestly I don't think they even opened it up... my feeling is the charge port has failed... I have tried all options from new chargers, wires, blowing air into the port, and doing all the button hold down, restart things. do mother board fry like this in these things after only two years and if so would the ipad still know when i pug it in or press the power button yet just not charge? it ran excellent all during this process, in fact it only got down to 2% because i was using it but couldn't re charge it. i think the mother board is fine but who knows?
my ipad air (first gen) has stopped taking a charge. it started slowly with my having to take out the plug, turning it over and plugging it back in to get it to charge, then it got to the point of charging very very slowly and without the battery icon turning green and no sound to let you know its plugged in. then it just stopped charging all together. its now stuck on 2% battery and wont charge and when i plug it in to the wall charger i get a big battery icon center screen with a lightening bolt and charge plug icon and that's all. left plugged in for 8 hours it wont raise past the 2%. I took it too a shop who said they tried to fix it but the motherboard was shot. honestly I don't think they even opened it up... my feeling is the charge port has failed... I have tried all options from new chargers, wires, blowing air into the port, and doing all the button hold down, restart things. do mother board fry like this in these things after only two years and if so would the ipad still know when i pug it in or press the power button yet just not charge? it ran excellent all during this process, in fact it only got down to 2% because i was using it but couldn't re charge it. i think the mother board is fine but who knows?
It could be the motherboard or it could be a defective charging port. There's no way to tell without testing. It you live near enough to an Apple Store, take it in for a Genius Bar appointment. They can run a full diagnostic to determine exactly what the problem is.
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Sounds like a charging IC issue. Common with the iPad Air, especially if you have used a non Apple lightning connector or charger. This can be fixed by someone with skills in micro soldering and logic board repair.
thanks guys... I think that will be my next step. I read someplace about the charge port going bad on these but they are hard to fix yourself unless you can solder really good...which I cant lol. the whole reason I refuse to believe its the mother board is bad is because this started really gradually, first it was only sometimes when id plug it in I would have to take the pug out, flip it over and plug it in again, then when it finally stopped charging, if I got lucky, I could get it to connect and charge, then it would only charge really slowly and with no sign that it was even charging except the battery percentage would be higher after a few hours... sometimes it would get to like 40% then stop other times it would go to 100% but it would take a few days and still other times it would say the charger or cable wasn't the correct one even though it was the charger and cable that came with it.. then I ran it all the way down until it wouldn't start and tried to charge it but it wont do anything now. I have tried numerous chargers and cables, all that work fine with my IPhone 6... nothing is working now. So I guess its off to Apple I go... Thanks!
Sounds like a charging IC issue. Common with the iPad Air, especially if you have used a non Apple lightning connector or charger. This can be fixed by someone with skills in micro soldering and logic board repair.

what is the "Charging IC Issue"? is there anyplace to read about this?

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