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Ipad Air not recognized by iTunes on my PC


iPF Noob
Jun 1, 2014
Reaction score
Petaluma, CA
I am running windows 7 and have icloud activated both on my PC and iPad. I have connected my new Ipad Air via the usb port, tried more than one, but iTunes doesn't recognize it. iCloud is active on my iPad, have rebooted it several times over several days and twice today. I have searched this section but find only old postings, most current is 2012 with no real solution only that sometimes it just starts working, not for me. I have tried all the suggestions, rebooting PC and iPad, checking startup to make sure Apple products are turned on, iCloud is turned on both my PC and iPad. This is very frustrating especially since it appears it is a known problem with no resolution. I could sure use some help.

Any suggestions will be appreciated. All the good things I have heard about Apple products sure make me wonder if I made the right choice for a tablet.

I am running windows 7 and have icloud activated both on my PC and iPad. I have connected my new Ipad Air via the usb port, tried more than one, but iTunes doesn't recognize it. iCloud is active on my iPad, have rebooted it several times over several days and twice today. I have searched this section but find only old postings, most current is 2012 with no real solution only that sometimes it just starts working, not for me. I have tried all the suggestions, rebooting PC and iPad, checking startup to make sure Apple products are turned on, iCloud is turned on both my PC and iPad. This is very frustrating especially since it appears it is a known problem with no resolution. I could sure use some help. Any suggestions will be appreciated. All the good things I have heard about Apple products sure make me wonder if I made the right choice for a tablet. Regards.........Ralph
I've moved your post to the iPad Air Forum where it will receive more attention. I've also deleted the duplicate post you made a few minutes ago as duplicate posts can fragment any resulting discussion, as well as being against our rules.

Does your computer have the latest version of iTunes? I also found this Apple Support discussion thread that may help. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/5725524?tstart=0
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I've moved your post to the iPad Air Forum where it will receive more attention. I've also deleted the duplicate post you made a few minutes ago as duplicate posts can fragment any resulting discussion, as well as being against our rules.

Does your computer have the latest version of iTunes? I also found this Apple Support discussion thread that may help. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/5725524?tstart=0

Yes it does and I apologize for not deleting my duplicate posting, that will not happen again and thank you for the links..............Ralph

See following post for more info.
Yes it does and I apologize for not deleting my duplicate posting, that will not happen again and thank you for the links..............Ralph

See following post for more info.

Sorry for my confusion. I checked some of the links you gave me and couldn't find a solution. I am confused on what should be installed in my PC that is required to recognize my iPad Air. One post indicated to make sure the Apple Mobile Devices driver was installed but couldn't find it anywhere. I assume it is for an Apple computer not a PC, am I correct in this assumption? I checked my System Config startup list and this is what I found that is for Apple:


On my iCloud Control Panel I have selected the following: Contacts, Calendars and tasks; Booksmarks, Firefox and Photos which is pointing to .....Pictures/iCloud Photos/My Photo Stream

Hope this information helps.

Thanks again.............Ralph
When the full iTunes package is installed on a Windows computer, it also installs some secondary services and device drivers that are needed. That is why people are recommending you re-install iTunes from Apple's site.

If you are picking and choosing what to install when installing iTunes, it's possible you left out the needed software. It's also possible that the drives have been damaged since your initial install, and re-installing should fix them.

Also, in the past, some Windows users have found the iPad would be recognized on some USB ports and not others. Probably something to do with a faulty USB driver installation; also possibly fixed by a re-install.

Good luck.
I second everything that twerppoet said above, as always :), and would like to add:
. I had same problem with a new Samsung laptop, no less. The laptop would not recognize a brand new iPad Air. Searching for solution, some FAQ said that some Samsung PC users may experience incompatibility with iTunes. This wasn't a nice info I was looking for. After pulling hairs for a few days, I decided to uninstall iTunes, reboot, download fresh copy of iTunes, install and try again. BAMM, the new Air was happily recognized.
. To check Apple Mobile Devices driver, look here: How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows
It'd be nice of you to let us know the result. We may all learn from you.
Hello and thanks for your response. If I uninstall (using the control panel) iTunes will all my songs still be there, as you can see I am not technical ......Thank you
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Thank you for your suggestions. I did stop and restart the AMDS but wasn't sure if uninstalling (using control panel) would also remove all my songs. I posted this question to twerppoet so am waiting to hear how to proceed.

Thanks again..........Ralph
Did a quick online search and got my answer re uninstalling iTunes. Here is what I have done and still NO recognition of my iPad.

1. Via the control panel I uninstalled iTunes. A strange message appeared asking me that the mobile device ?? (sorry don't recall the entire message) was not functional and if I wanted to repair it. Since I was uninstalling it I replied no. This must have been the problem so I was confident that the reinstall of iTunes was the solution.
2. After the uninstall I re-installed iTunes Version and rebooted my PC.
3. Started iTunes.
4. With my iPad turned on I connected it to a USB port that I had just used to connect a printer successfully yesterday - iPad not recognized.
5. Tried it using another usb port that I had also used yesterday successfully - iPad not recognized.
6. Tried stopping and restarting AMDS - didn't help.

In looking in iTunes under file/Devices all options were grayed out i.e. Sync,Transfer Purchases, Back Up and Restore from Back Up. Don't know if this is related but assume it is because my iPad wasn't recognized.

I am about to pull out the few hairs I have left.

Hoping for some more help to solve this puzzle.


Added info:

Just synced my iPod using the same usb port as for my iPad and it still doesn't recognize it...aaaaaaaaaggghhhhhhhhhh
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While waiting for twerppoet or other experts, please try iTunes Diagnostics then post results.
iTunes for Windows: Gathering and using iTunes Diagnostics
Best of lucks,

P.S. For clarification,
. Was this new iPad Air recognized by iTunes previously ?
. It is was, was was changed on your Win7 PC before the problem ?
I don't know enough about iDevices, but the more details you can look into, the more chances you can fix it yourself or other experts here can help you.
Did a quick online search and got my answer re uninstalling iTunes. Here is what I have done and still NO recognition of my iPad. . .

Looks like you've moved past the question of whether the iTunes Library would be erased.

My answer would have been, probably not; but since I don't have Windows I have no personal experience with this. On a Mac you deinstall iTunes by dropping the app into the trashcan; which has no effect on the library folders.

To be safe I'd have recommend making a copy of the library in another folder, or on an external drive. You can always copy the library back to it's normal folder then point iTunes to the right place in iTunes' Preferences; the Advanced tab I believe.

But, you've moved past that.

I can't offer any further advice, except maybe doing the de-intall/re-install again, and letting it repair the device. A long shot, but that's all I have.

Hopefully mydave's advice will pan out.

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While waiting for twerppoet or other experts, please try iTunes Diagnostics then post results.
iTunes for Windows: Gathering and using iTunes Diagnostics
Best of lucks,

P.S. For clarification,
. Was this new iPad Air recognized by iTunes previously ?
. It is was, was was changed on your Win7 PC before the problem ?
I don't know enough about iDevices, but the more details you can look into, the more chances you can fix it yourself or other experts here can help you.

My iPad has never been recognized by iTunes. Per your suggestion I first connected my iPad then ran iTunes Diagnostics, thanks for that info. The result was Network interfaces OK, iTunes Store connectivity OK, internet connection OK, secure link to itunes Store OK. All tests passed EXCEPT iPad not found error. Tried it with 2 different usb ports as before with same result, iPad not found.

Thanks for your help. I thought Apple was supposed to be user friendly, not for this user.

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At this point I'm wishing you had a second computer to try, even a friends computer that has iTunes installed. I want to see if it's the computer, or the iPad/cable.

If you plugged your iPad into a friends computer it should give some warning about erasing or pairing a new iPad. Just say no, and unplug the iPad. Whether or not it sees the iPad is all you need to find out.

I know you already said you've used multiple cables; but it's still possible there is something wrong with the iPad's port.

If you have an Apple Store close by they should also be able to test the iPad. Testing to see if the port/cable is good shouldn't cost anything, but ask first anyway. Make sure to set up an appointment if you don't like waiting around a lot. They tend to be busy in most locations.
Hello and thanks again for your help. My daughter has a Mac with itunes. When I can meet with her I will try what you suggest making sure to reply no to the request to erase data. If the iPad isn't recognized on her Mac I will then contact the Apple Store and make an appointment to have my iPad checked out. The new cable connection of the iPad Air doesn't allow me to use my iTunes cable as Apple has made them incompatible and I don't know anyone with the same type cable connector. The closest Apple Store to me is about 30 miles away and I will be gone this week-end so it will be several days before I can get everything done. I will report back with my results.

Thanks again...........Ralph
Ok. Good luck with everything.

Fortunately, syncing with iTunes on the computer is optional for almost everything.

In the mean time, if there was something specific you were trying to do, let us know. There is probably an iCloud or third party app that will do what you need; without going through iTunes or your computer.

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