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Ipad Air not recognized by iTunes on my PC

Ok. Good luck with everything.

Fortunately, syncing with iTunes on the computer is optional for almost everything.

In the mean time, if there was something specific you were trying to do, let us know. There is probably an iCloud or third party app that will do what you need; without going through iTunes or your computer.

Hello, have another question possibly related to my iPad not recognized problem. When I started iTunes on my PC, before connecting my ipad, I got the following error message (this has happened twice):

Apple IE DAV stopped working. Action suggested was close program or let Windows try to find solution online, which is the option I took. No further messages and iTunes successfully started up. Can someone explain was is happening, what I should do and is it related to my iPad problem?

Thank you............Ralph
From what I can gather online, this is a component of the iCloud Control Panel. Restarting the computer is probably the first, best step in fixing it; since that will restart the iCloud Control Panel and it's components. It will also restart IE (Internet Explorer), in case it is the cause of the component failing.

If restarting does not work you'd probably want to reinstall the Control Panel; since the component may have become corrupted rather than just 'stopped working'. Updating IE, if it's not current might help as well.

From what I could read online, the problem mostly occurs when IE in Windows receives an update. One of the two above fixed it for most, but there were a few that it either did not fix it for, or they never came back to say what/how or whether they got it fixed.

I wouldn't worry about it unless it occurs again.
From what I can gather online, this is a component of the iCloud Control Panel. Restarting the computer is probably the first, best step in fixing it; since that will restart the iCloud Control Panel and it's components. It will also restart IE (Internet Explorer), in case it is the cause of the component failing.

If restarting does not work you'd probably want to reinstall the Control Panel; since the component may have become corrupted rather than just 'stopped working'. Updating IE, if it's not current might help as well.

From what I could read online, the problem mostly occurs when IE in Windows receives an update. One of the two above fixed it for most, but there were a few that it either did not fix it for, or they never came back to say what/how or whether they got it fixed.

I wouldn't worry about it unless it occurs again.

Hi and thanks for responding. The error returned when I logged on this morning. I then did as you suggested and re-installed the iCloud Control Panel, rebooted but got the same error. I did a repair/re-install via the control panel and the messages displayed indicated a complete install so I am not sure how to proceed. I have the current version of IE11 (have automatic update selected).

Thanks again............Ralph

Adding to this post: I just took my iPad down to Staples where I bought it and they were able to connect to my iPod on their iTunes but I am still unable to do so.
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What I'm doing is searching for your error in Google. Mostly I'm getting back results from Apple's discussion forums, which tend to have a lot of noise, since Apple rarely responds directly there.

I'm going to PM (Private Message) the best thread I've found, with the most hopeful instructions at the end of the first page of posts. After that, your search is probably as good as mine.

Good Luck.
What I'm doing is searching for your error in Google. Mostly I'm getting back results from Apple's discussion forums, which tend to have a lot of noise, since Apple rarely responds directly there.

I'm going to PM (Private Message) the best thread I've found, with the most hopeful instructions at the end of the first page of posts. After that, your search is probably as good as mine.

Good Luck.

Thanks for the info/link. I tried what poster AL71B suggested (the last post of page 1) but after completing steps 1-6 I tried to login to iCloud but I got the same damn error message again. What is Apple doing about this? I can't believe there is so much traffic out there about this problem but nothing from Apple. I am about to just give up. All the good things I had heard about Apple has gone up in smoke. Won't be looking at Apple products in the future.

Thanks again. I will keep monitoring other posts about this problem and see if a resolution shows up.

Actually, three or four threads are not, all things considered, 'so much traffic'. Not when you consider how many iPads are out there. Even the rarest problems typically have a thread or two.

Given that it's an interaction with IE, it might be out of Apple's control to fix. No telling at this point.

I'll keep an eye out as well, and let you know if I see anything else you can try.
Update on my iPad problem. I finally called Apple support, great response about 2 minute hold. Very nice technicians and very efficient at working with me over the phone. Using the software where they could view my screen and highlight each move I was guided through the uninstall/reinstall process to make sure it was done properly. I ended up working with 2 technicians as it was escalated to the supervisor. I was very happy with all the efforts put in to get my problem resolved but nothing worked. The problem that we couldn't get around was the component Bonjour. No matter what we did the driver would not load successfully, having to ignore part of the install in order to get even iTunes to work. In the end we uninstalled and re-installed iTunes and it's components 4 times with Bonjour still not installing fully, same driver problem. I finally gave up as they could not think of anything else to do. They will continue to research the problem for a solution and hopefully find one and get back to me but for now iTunes is working but not with my iPad, which is too bad.

One thing I was doing wrong before was not fully uninstalling all it's components so I thought we were in for a good day, not so. Just in case there is anyone else ignorant like me here are the components that must be uninstalled AND in this order; iTunes, Apple Software Update, Apple Mobile Device Support, Bonjour, and Apple Application Support.

Again, thank you all for all your help.

Best Regards...............Ralph
Thanks for keeping us up to date. Sorry you still don't have a working solution.

You never did say if you had something specific you were trying to accomplish through iTunes, or if you did I missed it. There are only a few tasks you have to have iTunes for, and even those usually have a workaround of some sort; so if there is something that needs to happen, let us know. We might have an answer that will get you by until the central issue is fixed.
Thanks for keeping us up to date. Sorry you still don't have a working solution.

You never did say if you had something specific you were trying to accomplish through iTunes, or if you did I missed it. There are only a few tasks you have to have iTunes for, and even those usually have a workaround of some sort; so if there is something that needs to happen, let us know. We might have an answer that will get you by until the central issue is fixed.

Hello again. Actually I really am not sure what all the capabilities are since I have had it for such a short time. What I want with iTunes right now was the ability to have access to all my songs on my iPad regardless of whether I had purchased them from iTunes or loaded from a CD. I have approximately 1500 songs on my iPod/iTunes Library and all I can get now on my iPod are songs that I purchased via the iTunes Store. I have quite a few more CDs to load into iTunes when time permits. I am not sure how to upload songs to iCloud which is probably how it must be done. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Hello again. Actually I really am not sure what all the capabilities are since I have had it for such a short time. What I want with iTunes right now was the ability to have access to all my songs on my iPad regardless of whether I had purchased them from iTunes or loaded from a CD. I have approximately 1500 songs on my iPod/iTunes Library and all I can get now on my iPod are songs that I purchased via the iTunes Store. I have quite a few more CDs to load into iTunes when time permits. I am not sure how to upload songs to iCloud which is probably how it must be done. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Regards...........Ralph

To access all songs on your iPad, selecting the 'Music' option on the bar at the top of the screen after opening your corresponding iPad window.


To upload songs to iCloud, you need to subscribe to iTunes Match, which can be found under the 'Music' section in Settings.

It's true, iTunes Match would bypass your inability to get the computer to recognize the iPad for music syncing. However, I recommend you read how it works carefully before getting it. I like it myself, but it's not a service everyone appreciates. It also costs about $25 a year.

On the plus side, if you like iTunes Radio the subscription removes all the commercials.

It's main features.

It matches, rather than uploads, all the music it can. So if you have a song ripped from a CD, in most cases you won't get that exact song. What you will get is the iTunes Store version. If the song/album can not be matched, then it is uploaded to your iCloud account. There is no apparent difference in how it looks in the Music app; but it does count agains't your iCloud storage limit. Unless you have a lot of music that does not exist in the iTunes Store, this has little impact.

When you play a song in the Music app, it streams by default. This saves space on the iPad. However you do have the option of tapping the cloud icon (for playlist, album, or song) and downloading the song(s) so that they are local on the iPad. As long as the iPad has plenty of free storage, they stay. If the iPad starts to run out of storage space it will remove the less played songs from local storage. You can still stream them.

Another nice things about iTunes Match is that it automatically syncs your playlists, keeping them up to date without the need for manual syncing.

Here's Apple's page about the service.

Apple - iTunes - iTunes Match

I'll also warn you that iTunes Match often fails to work 100% on the first sync/upload from the computer, especially if the library is large. Most people report that it fixes itself over time, or after a few forced re-syncs with the service.

iTunes Match is not the only way to get all your iTunes library on the iPad, but I admit ignorance of the other methods, most of which require third party syncing apps on your computer. I'll leave explaining them to others who use those solutions.
To access all songs on your iPad, selecting the 'Music' option on the bar at the top of the screen after opening your corresponding iPad window.

View attachment 57319

To upload songs to iCloud, you need to subscribe to iTunes Match, which can be found under the 'Music' section in Settings.

View attachment 57320
Hello, and thanks for your suggestion. I knew about iTunes Match but it isn't worth it to me to spend $ to listen to music on my iPad. I just thought it would not cost anything to have all songs on the cloud. Since my iPad isn't recognized by my PC I cannot access any songs on my iPad only those I purchased from iTunes.
Thanks again.........Ralph
Hello twerppoet, thanks for all your help and as I mentioned in my previous post I can't justify paying for Match. I really wouldn't listen to music that much on my iPad just thought it would be nice to have.

Thanks again, this is a great forum..............Ralph
Hello, and thanks for your suggestion. I knew about iTunes Match but it isn't worth it to me to spend $ to listen to music on my iPad. I just thought it would not cost anything to have all songs on the cloud. Since my iPad isn't recognized by my PC I cannot access any songs on my iPad only those I purchased from iTunes. Thanks again.........Ralph

Well, I didn't know iTunes Match was payed, I didn't use it ever.

However, an alternative is to connect your iPad to a PC, and then exploring a bit within the directories of the iPad to find where your songs are stored, and to copy/paste them somewhere locally, in a pendrive or something.
Thanks for your suggestion aba... but since I probably wouldn't listen to music that much on the iPad I am giving up on accessing all my songs. I can still enjoy what I do have access to and any new songs I purchase and I will be content with that. There are some images I would like to play with on occasion but can use my Flickr account to access them. It was very interesting learning from twerppoet how Match works, pretty darn cool way to save space on small devices. I did forget to mention that I was giving Apple a bad rap for not fixing the problem, as twerppoet mentioned the few that are affected of the many thousands that are out there does not tarnish the brand. My apologies to Apple, just frustration overtaking common sense.

Again, thanks to everyone for all the Help I received.

Best Regards.............Ralph

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