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iPad and iTunes connection


iPF Noob
Hi all. I am new to Apple, so bear with me. I hope this is the correct forum to pose this question.

I had 2 iPad 2's and sold one. I deleted content, etc. and the machine is ready for a new setup. It is out the door and I hope the new user enjoys it.

My question is: do I have to delete the machine from iTunes? (I reset the machine from within the iPad OS).

Thanks for any guidance you can give.

BTW, This is a great site and I enjoy reading the back and forth content of the threads... I just retired from 30+ years in various MS shops (don't hold that against me, it paid the bills) and am really amazed with Apple and the iPad.

It won't make any difference to the new owner. They will set it up with their own iTunes account, etc. The info on your computer will in no way affect their ability to register or use the product. Nor wil they be able to use your account or backtrack to yoru machine.

Assuming you did a propper restore/errase. All it showed when you sent it off was the connect to iTunes page, right?

So, deleting it from your machine is just cosmetic, though if you have a lot of devices it might also be necessary to keep you from going over the 5 devices per iTunes/Library/Computer limit.
I did "Erase all content and settings" on the iPad. I did not connect it to my PC/iTunes because I had already connected my new iPad to it and did a sync/restore using same name as my old one.

Does that make sense?
Loody said:
I did "Erase all content and settings" on the iPad. I did not connect it to my PC/iTunes because I had already connected my new iPad to it and did a sync/restore using same name as my old one.

Does that make sense?

Yes it does make sense. That does the same thing as a restore in iTunes. Nothing to worry about.

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