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iPad and the School Administrator

I own my own company. I have pretty much replaced my laptop with the iPad2. IMO, iPad2 is easily identified as a efficient tool to use on the job. I even use Goodreader as my word processor for my simple everyday tasks. I am going to flip the question,..."Why wouldn't you use it as a effective office tool?" The possibilities and applications are endless.

You need one, you just don't know it yet.;)
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I am a retired school administrator so hopefully this opinion counts. One thing to use the iPad for would be the countless appraisals you have to do. Use NoteTaker HD for jotting down your notes while observing in a classroom. These could be notes about the instruction, notes about particular students, etc. When finished you can save as a PDF and send them off to your secretary or just put them as is on your HP.
While you are in the classroom you can still access the Internet, send/receive emails, etc. Multi-tasking at it's finest.
Also, as the leader of the school, you could be a great model for technology integration. Find out what the teacher is going to teach before you go in and have some apps and/or websites at the ready to show the teacher or students.
The uses for the iPad in schools are boundless. In a job that should have you going from area to area, you have the capacity to keep a wealth of information about teachers and students readily at hand. Anything in your office can be available at your fingertips. Precautions have to be taken for security, but when something happens, pictures can be taken for reference, while making notes, and even recording statements.
Agreed, I'm already using it in my science class for text book referencing, planets, stars in star walk, signing off on assignments, timetabling, homework, marking, assessments etc...

from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app
I work in manufacturing, not education, but getting my company e-mail/calendar on my iPhone though Exchange makes things much easier. While my iPad is capable of the same functionality and a lot easier on aging eyes, it doesn't fit in my pocket.

32gig iPhone 4 Black/16gig iPad 2 Black
well, you need a chat with iPad 2 is cool because he has suit jacket inside pockets specially made for his iPad. It's on iPad 2 for UK users thread. He posted some photos!

from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app
Here's a picture!

from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app


  • image-1885079172.webp
    15.7 KB · Views: 341
Quite a device it is. With a stylus you may take notes quickly and some apps convert the written letters to text.
Also students will be getting them so it behooves you to know what you can about the device.
If you must buy your own, use it at work and deduct it from your taxes as an un-reimbursed item. I am not a school administrator I don't even know any, I do know teachers and computer lab teachers. I think they would agree with me. Just get it!
jonthebru said:
Quite a device it is. With a stylus you may take notes quickly and some apps convert the written letters to text.
Also students will be getting them so it behooves you to know what you can about the device.
If you must buy your own, use it at work and deduct it from your taxes as an un-reimbursed item. I am not a school administrator I don't even know any, I do know teachers and computer lab teachers. I think they would agree with me. Just get it!

Which apps convert written notes to text? I have Notetaker HD which I like very much but I don't believe it does this... I'm not a very thorough reader of manuals. I much prefer using my time to read these forums!

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Ok I just got mine and I see a problem. I have been using my iPhone for walkthrough evaluations, etc but I don't really know how this iPad is better. You can see from the responses that no one really has a good answer. just saying things like the possibilities are endless is pretty useless. When my school bought me this, I was determined to find real uses to justify the expense. My iPhone does all of the things I have found so far and fits in my pocket. Why lug this around? Calendar apps and such are not needed as I have my online calendars through my district. I love my hp tablet for taking handwritten notes and having them organized. Is there a way to use a stylus on this? And please be specific avoiding comments like, "google it" which I have already done.
Since you googled iPad stylus, I assume you came up with quite a few stylus products that work with the iPad. I have used one that you must have seen in your googling...the Boxwave stylus. It works wonderfully. Doesn't stick, very responsive.
Personally, I think you should use the iPad as an incentive prize for one of your staff members that might be able to come up with a creative way to use it in his/her classroom.
Great question! I am an teacher educator and I purchased my ipad2 to learn how I can show my teachers how to use the technology effectively in their classrooms. It's only been about a month but I can say that it has been good for on-site observations, note taking, and email. Last night I used the camera in class to record classroom set up during our discussion on classroom management and decontamination.

The iPad is a great tool once you find apps which fit your needs. I teach Special Educators and have shown them how to use iPads for IEP benchmarks and notes, lesson planning, and increasing student engagement. Since I started using iPad, I haven't created any power points!

Educators keep this thread going! What other uses are there for this wonderful piece of technology?

Keep it coming, educators! I really appreciate all of your responses....I have an awesome school loaded with great teachers and incredible kids. Our computer labs and portable carts are loaded with Windows based products. Some of my sister schools have started with the iPads, but we've pretty much committed all the money we can on technology, at least for the foreseeable future.

We believe that technology is a great way to increase student engagement and facilitate school-parent communication, among other things.

Again, thanks for your responses. FYI, I just purchased my iPad2 and hope it'll be delivered on June 13. I can't wait to begin playing with it!:)

r12rtpilot said:
Keep it coming, educators! I really appreciate all of your responses....I have an awesome school loaded with great teachers and incredible kids. Our computer labs and portable carts are loaded with Windows based products. Some of my sister schools have started with the iPads, but we've pretty much committed all the money we can on technology, at least for the foreseeable future.

We believe that technology is a great way to increase student engagement and facilitate school-parent communication, among other things.

Again, thanks for your responses. FYI, I just purchased my iPad2 and hope it'll be delivered on June 13. I can't wait to begin playing with it!:)


Congrats on your purchase! You will NOT be disappointed. Soon you will see that there's so much more to an iPad besides 'angry birds'. Enjoy!

Cheers, Gem
Thanks Gem,

Just came in yesterday...I'm still learning how to use it, but I did down load a free app, "Alphabet Flash Cards" for kinders....

Very cool.


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