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iPad Boot Loop - Very little battery


iPF Noob
Hi, I'm Luke, new to this site.
The reason I'm here is to request some advice which I need very quickly.
Basically, the iPad needs to be restored as it gets stuck at the boot sequence where the spinning wheel appears. Nothing else happens from there. However, now the battery has ran out and will not charge by wall plug outlet whilst it's stuck in this loop, to then restore my iPad on the computer. Therefore all I want to do is fully charge my iPad whilsts its stuck in the boot sequence loop so I then have the ability to put the iPad into recovery mode to restore my iPad.

Please can someone help me????

Luke Gorman
First try holding down the home button and the off buttom for several seconds to start. I would also recommend a trip to the Apple store in Manchester to visit the Apple Genius bar.
UPDATE: Over 12 hours have passed with my iPad plugged in and has received no charge at all, probably because its stuck in the boot loop connecting and disconnecting every 5 seconds :(

I am now trying to update to iOS 5.1 instead of a previous backup (current installed iOS) which keeps giving me Error 21 in iTunes. Hopefully the new update wont give Error 21. I've heard Error 21 is something to do with custom firmware errors?

Seadog, thanks for replying, I've tried the usual restore processes and it still doesn't charge. Sometimes I have to wait 30 mins just to get a tiny amount of battery, in hope that iTunes will restore it before the battery runs out :/

I would go to the Apple Store, however my iPad is jailbroken with redsn0w, and I don't really think Apple would like this would they?
Hooray! I tried charging my iPad to the maximum it would go via my laptop (3%) and updated to 5.1 and it now works! All I need to do is re-jailbreak with redsn0w. I think the problem was caused by editing the system files to attempt to enable voice control. Not a good idea at all!

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