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iPad Class Action

But besides it being a selling point on the reason you bought your iPad, AT&T should be covered legally. That's the downside of not being in a contract right? The problem I see is that ATT didn't advertise it as lasting for a specific amount of time, or as being a limited time offer. So it comes down to where to draw the line.

I think it was a really crappy business move and awful treatment of customers, but illegal Im not sure could be proved.

However, advertising the iPad as having unlimited no contract data, and using this as a major selling point could be another story.

Matthew I agree apple could cover their ass by issuing refunds if they chose to do so.
It should not have been done this way, but it is still legal. Apple did not promise anything. They passed on that AT&T was offering a certain plan for 3G customers. Since it was a monthly contract, it can change at any time. The term bait & switch has been misused in this ad naseum. This is not b&s. It is an unpleasant fact of life. If true unlimited 3G is important to you, then you should have gotten aboard when you had a chance. If you failed to do so, it won't be the last missed opportunity. I could have bought Apple stock for less than $20 and I knew it would go up a lot higher. I just couldn't bring myself to tighten my belt and do without things for several years. Just one of many missed opportunities.
I'm not going to argue with you. AT&T has said as much for weeks. You asking me to deliver some damn notarized copy of some legal document is as stupid as asking someone to prove the world isn't flat...at this point both are just common knowledge. If you don't believe me I suggest you give it a whirl
I have received mailings over the years on being considered part of the "class", but when you read all the fine print the money goes to all the countless law firms handling the suit in the diff states. I normally throw them away. I am patiently waiting to get a droid phone so I can connect with that. I'm hoping for an early upgrade offer from VZW this summer.

I got my Droid 8 months earlier than our current renew date. Just call and complain, and ask....and complain....and ask.

I just kept complaining about problems with my current phone (LG voyager) and they just told me I could get the Droid right then.

Been with VZW for almost 10 years, and you start mentioning Sprint & T-Mobile they do what they can to retain you as a customer.

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