I knew what I wanted to say but wasn't sure how. here it is from another site..."one would need a client application to run on the ipad" Since pdanet only runs on laptops or computers running windows or apple's OSX, how is it going to run on ipad's IOS.
PDAnet app runs on Android and some other smartphones. It is available through the Amazon Market place, just search for PdaNet. It allows data service tethering over a
USB connection or Bluetooth DUN. For the USB connection, you need to get the PdaNet Desktop (Windows or Mac), which provides a network adapter to the OS that uses the USB connection.
For Bluetooth, you need a device that supports Bluetooth DUN. The Bluetooth stack that comes with the iPad has no support for DUN. The iPad/iPod Touch Bluetooth stack is limited by design to only work with keyboards (and other input devices) and headphones. That's it.
Another poster earlier in this thread said that Bluetooth networking would work with a stock iPad. He was wrong and has made no attempt to explain how he did this, despite several requests for clarification. I think it's strange that he made those statements and never responded to any request for specific details.
If you do jailbreak your iPad, there is a app called
iBluever that provides a Bluetooth networking stack with DUN support. It is listed as being compatible with PdaNet. I no longer JB my iOS devices, so I have not personally tried it.
You can wifi tether an iPad (or any other device with wifi support) without jail breaking it. Enabling a wifi hotspot on your phone may require rooting and/or violating your phone contract. Your mileage may vary. If you go the legal route, I have used my iPad on the mobile hotspot on the Droid X and it worked very well. For a while, I rooted my Droid 2 Global and used the Google wifi hotspot app and that worked good enough. It drained the battery on the phone very quickly, so I stopped using it and unrooted.