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iPad Envy & How to handle it?

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china_cat84 said:
What's up with apple-haters? I think a lot of people are just jealous that they can't afford apple products or that apple portrays itself as an "elitist" company - their tv ads are kinda snooty lol. Just don't get it. My friend claims she hates apple but she wouldn't know the difference between apple and android if the droid itself came up and pinched her behind! So, really, she has no technologically based reason for not liking apple. I believe in "free platform love", if you will. Android has it's pros and cons and so does apple.

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That's his main issue, I think - their elite status and their exclusivity with just other Apple products. But yes, both OS certainly have their pros and cons. He is mad I convinced my mom to get an iPhone, which she loves, and that my dad is getting one in November. :) When I get my iPhone hopefully for Christmas or with Christmas $, he'll be the only Android left.

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GoPackGo said:
No one I know has serious iPad envy.. my mom and dad might once I show it to them! :D My brother will probably get an Android tablet of some sort, and if he's jealous of my iPad in any way, he'd never let me know. He's an Apple hater.

What's up with apple-haters? I think a lot of people are just jealous that they can't afford apple products or that apple portrays itself as an "elitist" company - their tv ads are kinda snooty lol. Just don't get it. My friend claims she hates apple but she wouldn't know the difference between apple and android if the droid itself came up and pinched her behind! So, really, she has no technologically based reason for not liking apple. I believe in "free platform love", if you will. Android has it's pros and cons and so does apple.

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I don't think it's just jealousy. Some people can afford Apple stuff, but don't like Apple's business practices, or the people they stereotype as Apple customers. I think it was easier to stereotype that way before iPods, iPhones and iPads became so popular. There are plenty of PC owners who now own iOS devices, without ever owning a Mac.

Personally, I judge people by their behavior, not their stuff.
Chinacat84, your apple hating friend should have been in london during the riots and loot the comet store 

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ipadbraincell said:
How to deal with it? Smugly, it's the only way ;)

LOL - good one!

As for the apple-hating business, I also think some people have an innate desire to go against the flow. Since apple products are so popular, they avoid them because everyone else has them.

I never used to like apple. I didn't HATE apple, I just didn't get what the big idea was my sister spent a crap ton of money on one of the first iPods when they came out. I couldn't figure out what the appeal of it was. My mp3 player held twice as many songs and only cost half the price. But when my mp3 player (ironically made by Samsung!) died after 18 mos and hers held on much longer than she needed it to - about 3 or 4 years - I realized that there might be a difference. I purchased an iPod Touch 2nd gen when they came out and never looked back! I have never owned a Mac, not because I didn't want to own one but because my laptop is still going strong and the processor is still fast - paid extra just to get a faster processor installed. My next computer will be a Mac. I just can't get over apple's quality and reliability. My iPhone 4 works like the day I bought it, unlike other touchscreen phones out there. And really, when it comes to tablets, apple's products aren't that much more expensive when you compare them to the others on the market.

As for my friend, she's actually becoming worse about the iPad envy than before! She gets really irritated when people come to me for help with their iPads. I advised her to root her tablet as it would allow her to get rid of the lock screen she has so much trouble with and she just glared at me. I don't think she has any idea what rooting is. I don't know anymore. This is why people with absolutely no tech knowledge shouldn't buy electronics without someone to advise them - and why they should take the advice they're given, because she called me when she was going to buy her eGlide. I googled it and told her it wasn't worth the money. She did it anyway because she thought that since she wasn't a "electronics nerd" like I am, the difference wouldn't be noticeable to her. Well, she found out the truth in that. More and more students on campus are buying iPads and it just irritates her even more. It also doesn't help when I show others all the cool things my iPad can do, and she can't even get past the lock screen. I've stopped stressing about her attitude and now I don't really care I'll continue to flaunt my iPad (without being a jerk and rubbing it in her face, of course) and if she gets angry with me, she'll have to admit her immaturity and the fact that she's jealous.

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Similar thing happened to me, sort of. My first mp3 players weren't iPods. I forget what brand they were, but they were definitely cheaper. And like yours, they didn't last. I tried a replacement, which died quickly too, and then went for an iPod.

I've been an Android smartphone owner since March of 2010, and I've had nothing but problems with them. All summer I went through crappy refurbs, and the phone I have had for a year now has noticably gotten way worse. I am making the iphone switch as soon as my contract is up, which comes around Christmas, hopefully.

I'm with you on people needing to research before they purchase electronics, especially cell phones you're probably stuck with for a year and a half or an expensive tablet!

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How to deal with it? Smugly, it's the only way ;)

That is funny. I suspect there is some truth here, also. I believe it is not that we envy those who own iPads, but that we find so many of them obnoxious.

Too many owners of iPads and other apple devices (at least in my experience) think these devices are perfect. Too many suggest that apple devices have no problems. Too many appear to find great joy in pointing out that we should buy apple devices any time one experiences problems with other types of devices.

I suspect if Dr Laura were here, she would advise that we should ask not how to deal with those having iPad envy, but what it is that we have done to cause this "envy".
How to deal with it? Smugly, it's the only way ;)

That is funny. I suspect there is some truth here, also. I believe it is not that we envy those who own iPads, but that we find so many of them obnoxious.

Too many owners of iPads and other apple devices (at least in my experience) think these devices are perfect. Too many suggest that apple devices have no problems. Too many appear to find great joy in pointing out that we should buy apple devices any time one experiences problems with other types of devices.

I suspect if Dr Laura were here, she would advise that we should ask not how to deal with those having iPad envy, but what it is that we have done to cause this "envy".

Agreed that there's backlash in some cases -- Apple owners who are smug and create dislike, rather than envy. They feed on one another, though. If someone tells me their product (whatever it is) is perfection, why should that bother me? I'm more likely to think the person is blind and feel pity, lol.
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