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Ipad external speakers ?

Hi vettecor-I went ahead and deleted your other post. It was a duplicate of the other and just makes it hard for others to follow when there are multiple threads speaking of the same thing. It's also against forum rules.

Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
Hi guys wanted to give you an update regarding my external speaker post. I bought a Bluetooth speaker and connected to my Ipad 2. I had my party but the Bluetooth speaker just does NOT have enough volume to play outside..................

I just picked up a used set of 900 MHz wireless speakers. The woman who I bought the speakers from said her husband, who passed away, said he played music from his Ipad to the wireless speakers all the time. She did NOT know how he did this.

Can I hook up these wireless speakers to my Ipad 2 and how do I do that so I can listen to music that is on my Ipad ?

Can I hook up these wireless speakers to my 20 year old Yamaha Receiver so I can listen to CD'S ? How do I connect the speakers to my receiver ?

I got the 2 speakers and a little square box from the woman. I imagine that the box is a transmitter.......

Hi again - sorry that the BT speaker option did not work out for you - but still your best choice - you just needed powered BT speakers w/ enough volume; small low power ones meant to be used in a computer room or bedroom just would not have adequate volume.

Now the 900 MHz speakers that you picked up operate like a wireless phone, i.e. a powered transmitter station is needed to send the signals - your music device (e.g. iPad, iPod, or the headphone outlet of a receiver) will need to be plugged into the transmitter box (probably w/ a mini stereo adapter); the speakers will need to be powered (AC adapter or batteries) - If these are 'small' speakers requiring just a few batteries, I doubt that your will get much volume from them - just curious if you had your iPad w/ you when looking at those 900 MHz speakers, if so did you give them a try?

A good set of powered BT speakers (or even the soundbar that I mentioned in a previous post) would still be a good solution. Good luck and please post back before you buy? :)

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