iPF Noob
It all depends on how much you want to spend and what your needs are. All indications are that eye fi are fussy at best. But, at $40, they are the cheapest and smallest capacity solution. Next up would be Air Stash at around $100 plus the card(s) of your choice. Most expensive is the Hyperdrive at $600 but that also becomes an off camera off lap top storage device.
It all really depends upon what your goals (and budget) dictate.
The new HyperDrive is $99 bare and add your own drive. I am thinking about that after the reviews start coming in on how well it works.
I just saw an article the other day that said the Eye-Fi had been updated so that it could create it's own ad-hock wireless network. Once the iPad joins this network you should be able to use the Eye-Fi app with your iPad to transfer files. You may need the latest firmware update to do this.
The iPad cannot connect to an ad-hoc network. Only a WiFi access point.