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Ipad Help Please!

Huh. Just realized that this topic was a little older than I thought, but maybe my typing won't go entirely to waste for other Windows users passing through. :-)
Hi, like the user above i am also interested in finding out whether or not you can map a drive to the ipad. I recently purchased one and would primarly be using it instead of my laptop that i previously used to log in remotely from home after work hours. I work at a car dealership and use a CRM Software system: dealersocket which allows connectivity between remotely accessing my work email and ultimately checking out the inventory listed on my website as well as other sites. I would greatly appreciate any insight on this subject! Thank you in advance!
Access ipad file system from desktop explorer

Access ipad file system from desktop explorer. I noticed that iphone explored was not able to detect the ipad when it is connected. I went to cydia and installed afc2add. Guess what? desktop runnning iphone explorer can see ipads files now.
iPad emails

Hi. Is there a way to save email attachments like wmv files and run them from either before or after save?
to matth3w

i was looking to also find a way to stream video and pictures to my ipad and came accross this posting and matt u sound like a someone who loves his i pad and i tunes. Problem is my pad is a 16g and has limited space and if evertime i wanted to change photoes,video, etc i had to connect via usb to my pc that would be a huge waist of my time and resources and i believe thats all he was asking wasfor a way to stream them or connect and grab them via a simple app so NO u didnt answer his question and people like you SHOULDN't try unless u can fully understand reasoning. i would rather use the 16g for apps and stuff vs pic, video that i can stream off my 3tb of network storage
Hi. Is there a way to save email attachments like wmv files and run them from either before or after save?

Yes. Download an app that plays wmv videos and when you get an email that has a wmv, tap and hold the icon for the attachment and it should give you a list of apps that you can open it in. Select the app you downloaded to play wmv videos.
It sounds like you guys haven't heard of TVersity. It's media streaming software for the pc and it works great with my ipad. TVersity.com.

Wow, I bumped a real old thread sorry. I still like the software though. :D
Sell the iPad and buy an android tablet. You can access a network hard drive and stream video, music, and photos no problem with android.
cherhall said:
I say, give it a try. Even if you use it for a bit, you'll still be able to sell it. I'm a Windows user, but I'm in love with my iPad. It is rarely out of my hands. I too, have a Wii that I rarely ever use, but the iPad is nothing like that. I can't answer your streaming questions, as I've no need for it. But I do know, young or old, everyone who has tried out my iPad, wants one. I use it for everything, my computer sits unused, other than to sync my iPad, or play some Everquest2 :)

I almost never use my computer anymore especially since its very old and a PC. I only use it when I need to print, fax or do something that the iPad is not capable of doing. And of course to synch the iDevices.

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.01Update From NYC using iPF

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