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iPad keeps syncing same song over and over


iPF Noob
Every time I sync my iPad 2 to my PC (Windows - Vista) Itunes syncs the same Norah Jones album over and over. I have owned this album for years - anybody have any idea what is going on? Thanks.
Hi PoetDoc - I'm assuming that you have much more music on your iPad that just the Norah Jones album? If so, is this the only one that is showing the behavior described?

When you attached the iPad to your computer, have you chosen your iPad from the left panel and looked at your options there? Multiple tabs from general to music et al choices are available, these will allow plenty of check boxes to setup your iPad syncs - much of this can be done manually - so take a look and repost here as needed - good luck! :)
Yes, many others. I had it set up where only certain songs would sync with the iPad, but hundreds of song besides that one album. I just set it back to sync everything and it looks like the problem is not present now, but it's been going on for a long time. We'll see.
Good - hope all stays as desired! :)

My music is on my iPod - downloaded several MP3 classical albums the other day and one was difficult to get onto my iPod, so I fiddled w/ the sync boxes in iTunes (should have left them alone!) - most of my music was erase from my device although the 2 new recordings were added - UGHH! After several hours of getting, sorting, and re-doing some playlists, I'm back in business. As you may guess, I dislike sync choices in iTunes - just have to always be aware what will happen when those little boxes are checked or un-checked! :(
I handle most of my music syncing in iTunes by building playlists and smart playlists, and then sync those. Mostly smart playlists.
Ok, I use my iPad with a PC and don't sync that often, and will be happy for the day when they no longer have to play very much together at all. What is a 'smart' playlist?
I handle most of my music syncing in iTunes by building playlists and smart playlists, and then sync those. Mostly smart playlists.

Thanks TP for the advice - I've been trying to mainly use playlists for this purpose but sync can still be a pain! :(

However, I've not used the 'smart playlists' function yet - not sure that my classical transfers would be appropriate for this option, but need to explore - Dave :)
Ok, I use my iPad with a PC and don't sync that often, and will be happy for the day when they no longer have to play very much together at all. What is a 'smart' playlist?

You can set up two kinds of playlists in iTunes (on the computer). Normal playlists that you drag files into, and smart playlists that you set with properties. The smart playlists update themselves, based on those properties. Properties can include almost any information associated with tracks: artists, album, rating, genre, etc., and you can layer the properties.

It's not hard to create a playlist that has, say, all your 4 star and greater Jazz songs from the RCA label.

You'll find the option to create Smart Lists in the Files menu.

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