Yeah that is fancy stuff. But not what I am looking for... I don't need to edit or anything. Just want to use an iPad as a monitor to receive a live video input by vga or rca. And there doesn't seem to be a solution. Anyone?
Yeah that is fancy stuff. But not what I am looking for... I don't need to edit or anything. Just want to use an iPad as a monitor to receive a live video input by vga or rca. And there doesn't seem to be a solution. Anyone?
The example was to illustrate the use of a dedicated monitor, not to use as an editor. The point being using a monitor makes more sense than using an ipad.
There is an app called iCam by SKJM.
Made for iPhone but works good on iPad.
Can hook up webcams (up to 4). Real time video and sound. I have old PC laptops hooked up with web cams around house and can view from anywhere.
Not sure if this is what you are looking for but works good and is only a buck or two if I remember correctly.
There is a motion alert which pops up when you have push notification on. Can also view from any computer too.
I think it's a pretty cool app for the money. Worth checking out anyway.