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iPad live video INPUT

Seems there's something called eyeTV mobile can receive TV.
Video input should be possible on iPad.
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You should be able to do what you want with an iRecord device.
See www dot irecord dot com.
I don't have one of these, but the technology sounds promising.
Does anyone know how to feed a live camcorder into an iPad? Will do anything...jailbreak if we have to. So in other words, a live feed going into the iPad and showing realtime, without any lag, on the iPad. I have seen the opposite occur but not input. Money no object.

This should do what you want - Composite video input, view in a browser or take a look at the Surveillance for AXIS Camera's app in the app store

www dot axis dot com/products/cam_m7001/index.htm

rkflyer said:
This should do what you want - Composite video input, view in a browser or take a look at the Surveillance for AXIS Camera's app in the app store

www dot axis dot com/products/cam_m7001/index.htm


Cool! The only downside it has no audio input, in other words it only transmits picture.
Ipad video input

Hi,I think teachnically this is not possible as looking at the 30 pin out connector there is right and left audio line inputs but no option for composite or RGB video input.
Just thought I'd add my 2 cents to this conversation. I've kind of thought of a way you could do what you want to do whilst trying to accomplish my task which was to view my iphone screen on my ipad. If you want to put a camera view on your ipad then you could simply plug the camera into a laptop and bring up the camera display on there, then make use of a program called DisplayLink to extend your monitors to your laptop. If you then just drag the window displaying your camera into this extra monitor the live feed will then be displayed on your ipad. Just for extra knowledge, incidentally for my goal the same thing can be used to display the iphone screen by also using another program called AirServer to push the iphone screen to the laptop and through the same process as above then distribute the iphone screen to the ipad. Its a pretty long winded process but is a low cost solution for both goals so hope it helps anyone out there wanting to do this. Hopefully apple will add capability to do both these things eventually as it seems daft to have to do it this way, nevertheless an ends to a mean is better than nothing.
Come on. I thought you all were smart. I want to use the iPad as an external monitor and I want one connection that's not through wifi or a URL. Just direct connectors. Who knows how to do this?

I think you are being insulting now, as people are trying to help you.

I have not seen what you are asking for done on the iPad. I do know there is a way to use the iPad as a second screen on a computer (PC or Mac) but I believe that requires wifi.
This should do what you want - Composite video input, view in a browser or take a look at the Surveillance for AXIS Camera's app in the app store

www dot axis dot com/products/cam_m7001/index.htm


He doesn't want it on wifi, he needs a hardwire connection. How does this accomplish what he is looking for?
I agree with Dylanand. There are reasons why the ipad is needed for an external display. I am looking to use my ipad as an external Video display and it has nothing to do with just using it as a expensive monitor. It's that I'm using it in a mobile application. I have my Video camera mounted in my Jeep for off road filming. The ipad is mounted in my dash and needs to display what the video camera is capturing. So as you can see from my application needs, mounting another monitor in a vehicle is not exactly "practical" solution.

If someone knows of an appropriate app or hardwire solution for this, that would be great!
I did read in another thread (cannot recall if it was here or elsewhere), that the dock connector does not have a pin for video input. Someone else can confirm.

The only way to get live video feed in would be to use a camera capable of outputting as a web cam and using a web cam application to display said image. You would have to create a wifi network wherever you are.
I did read in another thread (cannot recall if it was here or elsewhere), that the dock connector does not have a pin for video input. Someone else can confirm.

No video input for the iPad 2, especially since an HDMI adapter is available, is just poor design. As many folks have pointed out, there are legitimate uses for the iPad as a monitor, and after purchasing the HDMI adapter yesterday, I was stunned to find out that A/V IN isn't an option.

The iPad does many things well, but Apple misses the mark on important functions time and again. I'm sure I'll get hammered for saying it, but Apple letting competitors offer solutions that should already be available on Apple's devices is what led them into trouble in the 90's.

Maybe the MS Surface will have A/V IN via HDMI. It would be enough for me to buy one....not that I'd ditch my iPad, of course.
I am interested in knowing what other tablets have AV in? Not that I'm disputing it, I'm just clueless about anything Android.
I believe one day every video out/in will be wireless via WIFI or some other technology, the wait will be over pretty soon...when someone make a DSLR/Camera that can connect to WIFI and send video out to an IP address in 720p quality...then an App can open that video live via IP and do whatever you want with it.

I got a feeling if Cannon or Nikon don't do that...Apple might do it.

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