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iPad mini 2 (or 3) vs Samsung Galaxy tab 4s 8.4


iPF Novice
Hello. I'm trying to get some opinions from people who have some experience with Andriod and iPad. I'm a heavy IOS user that is considering jumping ship to this Samsung tablet. I'll list my reasons for my consideration of jumping ship and some for my hesitation. Please chime in with your experience if you've had/ used both.


Reasons for Android-

- Wondering if the grass is greener on the other side (I know, I know, always a terrible reason)
- 2- window multitasking. This would be really handy for me.
- Better screen.
-Ability to customize so much more. Lost of shortcuts to the things I interact with every day.
- Family profiles.
- In the near future I would replace a current iPad air with the 12" Samsung. Having a hard time waiting for the iPad pro if it will ever exist. (This is a big one for me!)

Reasons against-

-Heavy into IOS world.
-Heavy into some apps that are not offered on Android, but I'm sure could be replaced.
-Generally, all the IOS devices are always synced with calandars, reminders and documents and just always work.
-Battery life. Another really big one for me!

That's the quick short list. I may add to it later.
I sell both animals. The iPad is much more secure and runs smoother. Most times people buy the samsung but then soon after they return it for the iPad. This is common. The eco system on the iPad is much, much better, ask any credible app developer.
It's all about the apps and functionality: not what the hardware is, but how it works for you. I would only consider a different tablet if I absolutely needed some feature unavailable on my iPad.

I suspect having two active windows open will have a proportionate effect on battery life...like cutting it in half. If the grass still seems greener, play with an Android tablet in the store; I predict you'll become disillusioned in 10 minutes.
I suspect having two active windows open will have a proportionate effect on battery life...like cutting it in half.
Actually the battery life is about the same as the iPad. It's the poor GPU and Wi-Fi performance that plague this android tablet. The processor is already a notch behind the latest chips, and while the screen is nice it won't do you any good because it has such low graphics frame rates. The iPad has double, and in some instances triple those results. The same holds true with the wi-fi. The iPad is nearly twice as fast as the samsung in the real world.
I have to agree that the ipad is the better choice here. I use both since at work I have to test our internet solution on both tablets and I always have a harder time with the Galaxy tab versus the ipad. Not saying the Galaxy tab is a bad product, but the iPad feels more polished and just works better.

If you have already invested a lot in the iOS space, just stay with it. That's my take on it.
Thanks for the replies! That's what I'm most likely going to do. I find myself getting frustrated with the iPad when I upgrade to a newer IOS that I should. If it isn't fluid perfect I notice. I would probably get storming PO'd with the Samsung if it's glitchy as the norm. I have tried the Samsung in a store. It did seem good for the minutes I used it. Wish I could rent one for a couple weeks.
I read on a search somewhere that the iPad is the better tablet for banking. Is this true? I do a lot of banking via tablet and this might be a concern for me.
I believe there are more first party bank apps for the iPad, but obviously this is going to depend on who your bank is.

I don't know in what other way the iPad would be better for banking, with the possible exception of security. It's easier to mess with Androids software, or download less than safe apps. You need to take a bit more responsibility for your devices security on an Android device. Google does less to lock you in, but that means they also do less to protect your from the world, or yourself.
I have an ipad and a samsung tablet, the note 8. I like the note 8, but I find that I always gravitate back to my ipad. The battery life is much better on my ipad. My ipad and my phone are in sync with each other. I can't seem to get my note 8 and note phone to do that as well. I like my ipad apps better, although I do have some of the same ones on my samsung devices. If I had to choose, I would prefer my apple devices. Samsung isn't bad, I think I just like my apple products better.

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