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iPad noob needs help with iTunes..... Pretty please with a cherry on top.


iPF Noob
Hi guys,
I'll be the first to admit to not having a clue how these iPads work but, with a bit of luck, somebody out there will understand what I mean and will be able to tell me what to do next.

Here is what I have ... An iPad 2, a Mac Mini Aluminium from mid 2010 and lots of films, reading books and audio books.

Here's what I want to do
... Watch the films and either read or listen to the books on my iPad 2 WHILE NOT CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET

OK, if I fire up iTunes on my Mac and click on "Movies" on the left hand side, I see all of my movies shown as an icon rather than any sort of text. If I click on it, it plays and that's fine for home use but I would like to be able to do the same thing while out and about. The tricky bit is that I need to click on "Music" to get to the audio books but I guess it makes sense in a way. The problem is that instead of being just a title, each audio book is broken down into 40 or 50 Chapters but I guess I can work round that.
My iPad is synced to my Mac via the proper cable.
So, what do I do next to fulfill my dream?
Any questions, please ask. I only have a short window each day to work on this computer so please accept my apologies if I don't get back straight away.

ps ... Having read all that, you must understand by now that I'm an idiot with only 3 or 4 working brain cells so please couch any replies in a like manner. Ta very much.
So! Are u saying that Once uve sync-ed ur ipad with ur mac via itunes and u ejected properly, u DO NOT see ur movies and music on the ipad's music and video icons?
Thanks for that Gab3 but I have no idea what "via itunes and u ejected properly" means.
I tried to explain how dumb I was at this stuff in the OP. I can follow instructions if typed out in simple terms but that's where my prowess ends.
Thank you defbref.
I had a basic idea of how to do that and I was always able to sync my iPad with my Mac but that web page has been saved for the trickier stuff.
Thank you defbref.
I had a basic idea of how to do that and I was always able to sync my iPad with my Mac but that web page has been saved for the trickier stuff.

You need to import your movies on the Mac into iTunes. At that point you will have a "movies" section in your library. From there it's sync manually or automatically. Manually is probably better as you can select which movies you want to put on the iPad. Best of luck.
I've been an idiot (no surprise there)
My problem was that, not understanding the jargon used on websites that are meant to explain these things, I could never get the movies and books to appear on my iPad. I could get the movies on to iTunes but that was as far as it went.
I was expecting an icon to appear on the iPad's "desktop" that I could click on to start the movie, just like it does on the Mac when I save a film, or any other type of file, from a USB memory stick. I was totally unaware that the iPad would recognise the files for what they were and stick them in the "video" and "music" icons. Gab3 told me that in the first reply so thanks again for that. It was only after that that I went through the "syncing" routine again and found the films and books in their proper places.
Problem now solved and there's another happy puppy on the planet.
I just hope it still works when I am sat in my car in the town centre with no wi-fi connection.
Thanks guys. You've saved the day.
Too easy buddy. The movies and music will stay on ur ipad even without wifi. U can do a quick check at home by simply turning ur wifi off. Go to settings icon and then wifi then switch it to off...ur movies and music will still b in ur ipad and u can play them as normal.

I recommend getting the ipad forum app for ur ipad as well. You can browse this page via ipad easier. Go to app store icon and type "discussion forum for ipad" into the search field at the top right of ur screen.
Sounds to me like you should be looking at streaming, via "air video" or "plex" apps. Air video has better video quality and works flawlessly. While flex does audio and docs, but can be a little stuttery on video. Hope this helps. BTW. Never use iTunes unless I have to. I hate it. Look into copy trans for media tranferings. So much faster simpler than the bloat ware iTunes.

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