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iPAD OS: ;oss of PDFing?


iPF Novice
Prior to iPad OS 13, PDFs could be made from nearly any app after you select the share icon.
Now, I don’t see PDF in that setting...was it removed?
If it’s available in the app/share sheet, it will be in the list below the icons. I have not seen any difference in what actions are available in the share sheet; though the text entries aren’t as obvious as the old icons.

For those times that PDF conversion is not available, you can choose Print. When you see the print preview, pinch out to expand the page, then use the share sheet to save it to Files.

Using Print this way wills save most pictures to an image format, and just about everything else as a PDF.

The Shortcuts app can also be used to convert and save stuff as PDF.
thank you for explaining how to make that happen, twerppoet. The result is just as good, but with more steps and I’d like to have an icon but..now I know how to do this!
No problem.

The Print method predates the Share Sheet one, which is why I’m not sure when and where the the Share Sheet option appears. I’m in the habit of using the Print option. It’s reflex by now.

You should also pay attention to the new screenshot options. Depending on the app type (Mail and Safari) you have a full page option that will save the scrollable page as a PDF, instead of just what is on screen.

It’s great for webpages, but even better in email where before you couldn’t print or save an email with all the header info unless it all fit on one screen. I used to have to pick up the iPad and go portrait mode to get decent record of emails; even then not the long ones.
Another way to generate PDFs is to use the Shortcuts app. Go to the Gallery in Shortcuts and search for PDF for a simple shortcut that converts anything you send to it into a PDF. This can be used to select specific content from a webpage or app, and convert just that to a PDF.

Shortcut actions can show up in your action lists just like any other action.

The last five items in the list below are all shortcut actions I sometimes use. I have a few more, but they only show up when the data type you are passing is compatible.

Date Stamp: Gets the current date and saves it to the clipboard.
Log This: Activates Siri dictation. Logs the voice input as text to the Log This note. (can be activated by Siri)
Log This Locations: Gets the current location and adds it to the Log This note. (can be activated by Siri)
NC Log: Renames a file with a YYYYMMDD date and standard name, then prompts where to save it.
Time Stamp: Saves the current time in 24hr format to the clipboard.

The Log This actions were created when I was caring for my Mom. Things like oxegen levels, start and stop times for exercise, when meds were taken, etc. It was not meant to be a permanent log, just something I could refer to when making entries in the paper log when I had time.

NC Log was to make keeping standard file names easier for my Net Control Logs.

The Stamps are just ways to quickly get the current time and/or date to paste into logs or other documents.

I also have a Make Smaller shortcut (not shown) that takes an image, makes it smaller, and saves it to an album in Photos. I use it on most of the screenshots I post here.

Anyway, if you do something a lot, like making PDFs of certain documents, it’s worth looking into Shortcuts. iOS 13.1 has made them easier to use.


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