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Alternate ipad OS?

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iUserDeveloper said:
because the aple Safari browser sucks, Thedibice is good for browsing but t is extremely limited. Imwant a device that I can use to down load files off the net. Wrk on them and repost them back to my home computer.I do not want to pay for expensive cloud ccomputing. Basicaly I found the Windows Ce software morse functional. I expect the iPad to be more of a friendly operating system. MBasicly I a disappointed with it. Love the hardware hate the OS. I guess I expected much more. BillmGates is forgiven... Jobs is not.

Have you tried iCab Browser for downloading/uploading?

The Archangel
iUserDeveloper said:
Yes I would love to know if it is possible to install Windows operating system. seriously the IOS sucks. I want to be able to connect my iPad to my Compuetr and have access to the Hard Drive as I would aUSB drive. I also want a better browser, I want to use Flash and be able to down load files, copy links and better surfing. The IPad is a nice piece of hardware andI love the GPS function but overall Ihate the operating system. I feel Apple should be paying me to use their hardware given the limitations. I doubt I will buy a new Apple device again. I wil be getting an Andriod phone next time. anythingthathas better web browsingand USB support.

1. Nope. 2. Then why buy the iPad . It doesn't have a hard drive, but there are apps which offer similar functionality (as in data sharing). 4. Google that 5. Flash doesn't do that, you can already copy links. 6. A Mac is different from an iPad, I use a Mac keyboard with my Linux box. 7. An Android phone requires as much hacking as iOS to fully tweak it. 8. Again, google that.
An iPad was made to fit some people, if it doesn't fit you, then just move on and get a better device next time.

Sent from K48
simple... things like android/lunix and yes even windows actually work!!

I just spent 35 minutes trying to log into my home wifi because my ipad seems to have 'forgotten' my wifi password for the 4th time in 6 months, and then spent a further 15 minuets trying to log into my university website to download a lecture to watch on the train tomorrow. oh... and that download just 'timed out', having done about 5mb. Took me 5 min to do all of this on my win 7 laptop. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

If i didnt get this POS for free from my uni I'd have returned it months ago. I honestly dont see the appeal in apple. Might just chuck it of the balcony anyway.

15min after this post, my ipad is asking for my home network password. again.

We support tens of thousands of iPads now an have never has this problem reported. I suggest you return the iPad to your university IT department and request another one - or just switch to something else.
Yes I would love to know if it is possible to install Windows operating system. seriously the IOS sucks. I want to be able to connect my iPad to my Compuetr and have access to the Hard Drive as I would aUSB drive. I also want a better browser, I want to use Flash and be able to down load files, copy links and better surfing. The IPad is a nice piece of hardware andI love the GPS function but overall Ihate the operating system. I feel Apple should be paying me to use their hardware given the limitations. I doubt I will buy a new Apple device again. I wil be getting an Andriod phone next time. anythingthathas better web browsingand USB support.

You bought the wrong device. Return it and get something else.
Not sure whether my iPad is the only one that does this, but reading the post above makes me wonder.

I am away from home for a week at a time. During that week, I stay in a couple of hotels that have wifi hotspots, and hang out in a couple more places that also have them. My iPad and iPhone pick up the wifi immediately in every case, and when i return home, I'm back on my home network until I leave again. I have never had to input a known password twice.

Just sayin'. Maybe there are other factors to be considered here?
This thread is over a year old and the password complainer posted once (last July) and never returned. I suspect a troll, operator error or one dud iPad.

As I noted last year, if there were a wider problem with access, his university would've addressed it, because it supposedly gave iPads to many students.
sjleworthy said:
Safari sucks? Which bit? It's my chosen browser over the miriad of others I tested.

It works beat with the iPad. The other ones tend to be slower.

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 w IOS 5.1 Update From NYC!!! using iPF.net
Yep, we can. :)

This IS an old thread. Either the original poster has found the answer elsewhere or has moved on (last post was in April 2012).

Therefore, this thread is closed. Thanks for your understanding.

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