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iPad pencil

That’s not true on the smart case. Can’t speak for the keyboard one but received my iPad Pro case from Apple Saturday and it’s like the old days. Just like a book. Has the side.
The Smart Case for the iPad Pro Is no longer in the online Apple Store. All they have are the folio cases for the newest iPad Pro models.
That’s what I was referring to. I got one Saturday and it’s a complete case as in the old days. Front, back, and side.
Got my pro this am and took a couple hours tops to restore it from backup. Thank goodness I have a iMac pro so had a usb-c port on it to plug in the new iPad. Also put on the new folio case. Like I said before it has a front, back, and the side like a book. I guess what really surprised me was that the pencil hooks to the right side about 1/2 way down. There is about a slight one inch indent and this is where it hooks to. I’m as guessing this is also the connector for the keyboard.
The connector is the 3 dots on back. The Pencil connects with flat side to side/top of Ipad

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