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iPad problem,help please


iPF Noob
Please guys ,I need ur help

I have iPad with 3.2.1 wthout jailbreake
I wanted to upgrade to 4.3.2 and jailbreak it
and so i downloaded the frimware and restore the ipad after strugling with 3194 and 1604 errors ,i manage to restore it finaly BUT the iPad stuck in the recovery mode and never booted
I tryied many things (FixRecovery , TinyUmbrella ) and did not work
then I tried to jailbreak as its still in recovery mode
first tried with greenpoison and did not work
then tried the redsnow and worked but in teathering mode
BUT now when ever i leave the ipad for few minutes ,it return to DFU mode and wont operate unless i connect to the PC and use the iBooty program to start it in just few seconds!!!!!!!!!!!
I know i said to much, but please i need ur help

How about just updating to 4.3.3? It's untethered and works better. Just update with iTunes or download it from the web and get into DFU mode and shift-restore. Then follow the redsnow tutorial in my signature.
Totally agree with graywolf's advice. You should be updating to 4.3.3 and jailbreaking that. But you also mentioned some other errors, so this advice may help you resolve them...

In order to resolve your 3194 error, make sure you read this guide and action it BEFORE YOU START - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...-how-resolve-itunes-unknown-error-3194-a.html

Next, you will have to restore to 4.3.3 from DFU Mode, otherwise you will get an error. Make sure you put your device into DFU Mode using this guide - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/27489-dfu-mode-dummies.html

Then restore to 4.3.3 using iTunes. Once that is complete, follow the redsn0w tutorial as suggested by graywolf - you can find it here - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...tutorial-jailbreak-ipad1-redsn0w-windows.html

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