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jaden1592 said:
Anyone in Orange county Ca wanna let me use their table saw to cut some acrylic?:)

A table saw? I have a brother with one, but I'm in Australia, but would that give you a fine enough cut. Here our hardware stores allow us to bring in things we want cut, they only charge a couple of dollars for it. Do they do that there. Might be an option.

Thanks alot boss, I bet you're right. Im going to go there as soon as it arrives. thankyou
Best of luck to you, I cannot wait to see it all finished! Also, here if you bring the pieces you need cut to a glass shop, usually they will cut them for you, if you do not have any close by, maybe home depot or lowes?
Best of luck to you, I cannot wait to see it all finished! Also, here if you bring the pieces you need cut to a glass shop, usually they will cut them for you, if you do not have any close by, maybe home depot or lowes?

Yes Thanks for the ideas I am going to try all those places.
My acrylic came in the mail and so did the new digitalizer. I plugged the digitalizer in and I am still not getting any touch from it! I figure it is the logic board so I am going to order a new one and see if that works. The acrylic is not that translucent but it looks clean and nice so I am keeping it,
jaden1592 said:
My acrylic came in the mail and so did the new digitalizer. I plugged the digitalizer in and I am still not getting any touch from it! I figure it is the logic board so I am going to order a new one and see if that works. The acrylic is not that translucent but it looks clean and nice so I am keeping it,

I really hope it is the logic board that will solve this issue, can you return any of these parts you are trying?
It might be better that the acrylic is not too translucent, that way it might be a warm glow coming through the casing rather than a bright light. That will look really nice!!

Well I am going to try to resell the digitalizer since that's not the problem. One thing though, I dont want to spend 250$ for a new logic board! Anyone think they can help
Maybe you can find some other wasted iPad to pull the logic board off. I've picked iPads up for $20-30 because the LCD/ digitizer was shattered and had everything work just fine.

Also, this sounds really cool and I'm tempted to try it.
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