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iPad Safari won't load, closes immediately


iPF Noob
Dear colleagues, please help! After jailbreak, my son's iPad Safari won't load - it opens and then closes immediately. I have tried restarting the iPad and clearing cookies, caches and its search history, with no luck. Thank you!
Safari won't open on ipad

I have the same issue. I do not understand the answer. Could you please elaborate? Thanks
Basically something went wrong with the jailbreak, most likely and the best way to fix it is to connect your iPad to iTunes and restore it. This will take the iPad back to "factory". Then you can try jailbreaking it again if you wish.
Try resetting your iPad. Worked for me when a different app clogged Safari. (Hold the Home button and the Power button in until you see the Apple icon. Then it will shut down for a few minutes and then power back up.)
Safari won't load or open Closes immediately

If your iphone or ipad (they run the same os) does not open safari after jailbreak.
1. reinstall jail-break os or if you are run 4.2.1 run red-snow
Run boot tether for now
That will fix it

Just remember on 4.2.1 that if the battery dies you need to run the jailbreak every time..:(

safari wont open on ipad

i currently have the same problem. i jailbroke my ipad and cydia was all white. i redid the jailbreak just like the instructions told me but the cydia still stayed white and wouldnt open. now my safari won't open as it closes immediately after it is trying to open. i tried to do the manual reset (holding the power and menu button till it completely goes off) and it wouldnt work. i also tried the itunes restore (turning off the ipad and holding the menu button before connecting the ipad usb to the computer while itunes is open until it says itunes on your ipad screen. then hit restore on itunes). that didnt work either. i'm totally confused.

I have also just run into this same issue as well. I am on 7.0.4 and safari just immediately closes once opened.

All of a sudden this has started. I have cleared cookies and cache in safari and also performed a reset of the ipad (without removing my apps) and still same problem. I have also tried to perform the hard reset to no avail.

Any further ideas I could try?


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