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iPad sound board app with custom sounds (load mp3/AAC files)


iPF Noob
Hopefully I'm posting in the right place.
I've long been searching for an app that meets the following criteria:
A screen full of buttons, each of which plays a sound file (could be a 1 second sound effect up to several minute interview or music)
Ability to load Custom files and assign them to buttons. *this is key*
Other niceties:
Ability to set up many screens and switch between them easily.
Ability to make playlists of multiple "buttons"
Capable of playing more than one file at a time- for example, start a music clip, then play a sound effect over the top of it.

Btw, there's a ton of push button sound apps, but they only have built in sounds. The closest I've seen is "Custom Soundboard" but you have to go thru their site to load sounds..

This app would be great for podcasters, radio people, and sound guys for performances. I've tried to find such a thing since shortly after the iPad was released and had no luck!

I hope someone can help.
Ok, I tried searching the app store one more time and found Resounder Pro. It looks like most of what I want, but I'm still hoping there are more options. ($7.99 is a bit much to experiment with without any recommendations.)

One additional great feature would be integration of Dropbox syncing or download..

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