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Ipad stuck in restore unknown error 1611


iPF Noob

I'm getting pretty desperate. Got a used ipad, the user reset it to remove his data. Ipad was signalling that it needed to connect to itunes.

Hooked it up to itunes, which wanted to update the software. This failed and put the unit in restore mode. I have followed every procedure on the apple site, no result. Sometimes:

iTunes could not conect to this iPhone because an unknown error occurred (0xE8000065) before the 1611 error

always followed by:

The iPad "iPad" could not be resored. An unknown error occurred (1611)

Installed a clean windows 7 64bit on my computer. Updated it and installed itunes. Same problem. Itunes downloads the software, prepares the ipad for a restore. On the ipad an apple logo with a progress bar appears, but than it stops.

Any ideas how to get out of this mess. My next step would be to use another computer, but I don't have one. I'm about ready to send it off to apple for repair, but maybe there are some other tricks to try.


Try and use another computer, i was in the same boat and i tried another laptop and bam it worked, gppd luck
Try and use another computer, i was in the same boat and i tried another laptop and bam it worked, gppd luck

I'll try to find another computer. I think it has to do with the power level of the usb. In the meantime I recovered the ipad using bootrec.

thanks for the tip

mine is stuck at the end off the restoring bar , and now i did a reboot of device .. and when i try it again is does it again , so i think i have the same problem as u .. BUT when i use recboot It wil try to kick it out , but then it wil get right back into recovery and do this untill u close the program
I had the same error used my laptop to get my ipad back to default. It has updated the OS. Now how would I get it to sync my music, movies, photos on the original pc. The laptop doesn't have my music, movies and photos installed. The first time i tried to sync Itunes on my original pc it stated it was still in recovery mode and brought the same issue (Error 1611). How can I clear that error so I can re synch my data? Any Ideas? Appreeciate any help.
It's the power

Walker nailed it - it's to do with the power. I got the error on my brand-new iPad2, after reading this thread I moved the USB from my monitor to the USB port on the laptop and the restore worked.:)
Confirmed Fix for Error 1611 -- Power Issue

:thumbs: BINGO! It's a power issue. I got the error trying to upgrade to iOS 5 with the iPad connected to a USB port on my monitor...where I had been successfully sync-ing for quite some time. Tried everything to no avail. Went to another computer and had the same problem (however I was plugged into a USB port on the monitor of that computer too but hadn't yet realized my error). After reading this post, I plugged into a USB port on the CPU itself on the same computer and bam, it worked immediately. Apparently there's enough power to sync from a USB hub (like on a monitor) but not to do a restore or software update. Thanks guys! THIS SHOULD BE ON THE APPLE WEBSITE HELP FILE BUT IS NOT. I even called Apple tech support and they didn't know about this.
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Ditto on the above. Had the usb plugged into a monitor port. Previous sync events ok except got the note that the iPad was not charging. This crash occurred during the os update. On line with apple support who has been very patient while the iPad is going through the restore process and is insistent on staying with me until the iPad is completely restored. Passed on this information to the tech who is passing same on to the senior advisor. Hopefully the word will get out.
Geniuses. My iPad bricked itself while attempting to do an update over wifi sync when powered through a home theater receiver. It failed. I then tried to recover the iPad, but kept getting the 1611 error. I had the iPad connected to the USB port on my laptop docking station, but it kept failing with the restore. I then connected it to a powered USB hub and it has just finished restoring.
I bought an Apple certified refurbished iPad2 for my birthday, and it just now bricked during iOS5 update. Thought I had gotten a dud or something and was ready to punch a hole in the wall lol. Thanks to you guys, I changed USB ports from my monitor to the mobo and it worked. Man...that was unnecessarily stressful. My iPad is still restoring, but it's no longer in 1611 hell anymore.

Thanks again!
Updating ipad2 error messages - cheers

Thanks guys for the thread on errors when updating, I found that it was indeed my main computer's usb ports not being sufficient for the restore, I am now updating via my laptop and so far so good! I am a new iPad user and just unwrapped it today to get set up and thought I might as well put the latest software on to begin with, then got the error message and wanted to cry, so keep up the good work and useful hints and fixes!
Same issue and fix worked

Just had the same issue during an IOS 6 update to iPad 2. Switched from front USB to rear USB on my aging HP Tower and that cleared up the error. Thanks iPadforums!
I am using a laptop. So reading the power issue, i am kinda sad since i dont have any other USB. But then, i tried changing the power options plan to high performance. Working as intended :D Thanks guys.

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