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Ipad stuck on connect to itunes screen


iPF Noob
hiya i'm new to this forum stuff so i dont know if this is in the right place or if anyone can help me.

Im from england and ive got a problem wiv my ipad, i was jus browsing safari and all of a sudden the apple logo appeared and it went to the connect to itunes screen so i hooked it up and it worked but then it happend again a few times so i connected it and itunes said it was in 'recovery' mode so i followed a video that 'THATSNAZZYIPHONEGUY' on youtube made bout the dfu and recovery modes but it still didnt work, so i thought ill just restore it but an error msg came up (error no'28) and it wont let me restore.

So i rang apple and my app care ran out 27/5/11 but i had recently replaced my ipad so ive still got an additional 90 days, so i'm wondering firstly if there is any way i can solve it, eg like a master reset or secondly as it was jailbroken (redsnow 4.3.3) will apple know that it was jailbroken thus voiding my warranty and them not giving me a new one, because it wont let me restore and it just stays on the connect to itunes screen.

P.S oh yeh i even tried rejailbreaking it but as when it is connected to the laptop it wont turn off the jailbreak jus says please wait and fails.

Hope to hear from you soon.

I moved this to the Hacking section, where I think you'll receive better attention as your problem seems to be associated with jail breaking.

OK. Can I ask if you are Windows of OSX?

If Windows, can I suggest you follow the tutorial on redsn0w again VERY CAREFULLY. There is a critical piece of preparation which if you don't do, may well cause the failure you talked about. When you run redsn0w again over the top of your existing jailbreak it is important that you do NOT install Cydia again. Just click the option which enables gestures or enables the animated boot logo. It doesn't matter which one. This will reset the jailbreak data on your device but not mess up Cydia. The iPad should reboot and recover successfully unless there is something more serious wrong...

If this does not work, you need to get the device into DFU mode (and make sure it genuinely is DFU which should be a blank screen, not the connect to iTunes logo) and then restore in iTunes. This should work. Again post back with the exact error message if it fails and we'll see if we can help...
I use windows. when i start itunes it says ipad in recovery mode, so i click restore it starts to do its thing and then it says:
The IPad "IPad" could not be restored. An unknown error occured (28).

The thing is the insructions for the jailbreak specifically says the ipad has to be turned off before you start, but it is stuck on the connect to itunes screen and whenever it is plugged it in to my laptop it jus stays on the connect to itunes screen and wont turn off, it just turns of for a second and then back to the connect to itunes screen. so that is why the jailbreak doesnt work.
You don't need to turn off the iPad to get into DFU mode. Just hold the buttons for 10 seconds then release power while continuing to hold home. After 15 seconds or so it will be in DFU mode with a blank screen. Then continue...
i put the ipad into dfu then started the jailbreak process, it started the jailbreaking data sign camr up the screen went white all the 'computer lingo' came up as usual but then it just stopped and all it kept saying was please wait over and over again. It stays like that for ten mins then the ipad turns off and it goes back to the connect to itunes screen.

I feel that i wont be able to get it working, but i just want to know that if i take it to apple will the know that it has been jailbroken as i didnt get a chance to restore it like you wud do wen taking a jailbroken device to them, because then they wouldnt repair or replace it.
Well it does sound like there is a corruption on storage so rerunning the JB wont do. So put it in DFU again and restore in iTunes this time. Press shift-restore and pick the 4.3.3 firmware you used for redsn0w to save time. If you get an error make sure you tell us the error number, e.g 3194.
Ok I'll try that, anyway this is usually the error message that comes up;
The IPad "IPad" could not be restored. An unknown error occured (28).

*The number is twenty-eight for sum reason it's showing a smiley face
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If the DFU restore does not work and you still get an iTunes error 28 that indicates there is a hardware fault. Not much you can do about them if a restore will not complete I'm afraid... sorry.

Unless anyone else has any bright ideas?
Ok no problem. thanks for your help anyway, but i just want to know that if i take it to apple will they know that it has been jailbroken as i didnt get a chance to restore it like you wud do wen taking a jailbroken device to them, because then they wouldnt repair or replace it.
As long as it sticks on the connect to iTunes screen and cant reboot normally, you should be fine to take it back to the Apple store and get your replacement within the 90 days...

Mention Error 28 which you looked up on the support site as a HARDWARE ERROR when you hand it in, and that you have tried to restore it several times. They will likely just replace it there and then.
Ok I will do, but it's just that the last time I took it in they plugged it in to their macs to try and see what Wat wrong wiv it
Yes, but AFAIK the Apple diagnostics have not been updated to highlight a jailbroken device. You should be fine if it is stuck in recovery. There's not much else you can try I'm afraid!

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