iPF Noob
I've had my iPad 2 32k/3G about a year and a half. I am totally dependent on it and use it for everything thus my
title. This may appear derogatory to the community but in actuality this is how I refer to myself when discussing things
concerning general computing. Prior to the iPad the only computers I was familiar with, (and I mean in the lightest way)
was a: Vic 20, Atari 400, and the original Balley Game System for the home which had extremely good games for its
time, it was also programmable from its keypad.
I had looked at a few laptops but that mouse about and little arrow really gave me grief, too much like a video game;
did I mention that I'm garbage when it comes to games? All I knew about the pad was that it was free standing, all
inclusive to itself and it could surf the net. I purchased it at Verizon and it was they that informed me about the 3G
versus wifi only. At the time this was perfect because I knew dip diddly about wifi!
It wasn't till about a month later I learned how little 5-10g plans were when my extra usage charges came in with a bill
cresting $300-, that was a wake up call fer sure! I now of course am wifi based with a Atlantic Broadband unlimited
service which on a ethernet connection runs a full 40mbs DL & 3.5 UL; had a friend speed test it with his laptop.
I of course am not running those #'s on the pad but I did hit 37 & 4 a couple times when I was trying to improve my
wifi signal after much research to you guys and all over Bing.
Well, this is getting long and I'm only supposed to introduce myself so I'll not ask any questions. Just so you know
I do thoroughly run the net trying to solve my pad problems and have learned much so if I write and ask about
something I did try to find the answer everywhere before bugging you. I've signed up because in some regards
you're the last resort and probably the only ones with the right answer.
Thank you for allowing me to join your group. Tahoechris
I've had my iPad 2 32k/3G about a year and a half. I am totally dependent on it and use it for everything thus my
title. This may appear derogatory to the community but in actuality this is how I refer to myself when discussing things
concerning general computing. Prior to the iPad the only computers I was familiar with, (and I mean in the lightest way)
was a: Vic 20, Atari 400, and the original Balley Game System for the home which had extremely good games for its
time, it was also programmable from its keypad.
I had looked at a few laptops but that mouse about and little arrow really gave me grief, too much like a video game;
did I mention that I'm garbage when it comes to games? All I knew about the pad was that it was free standing, all
inclusive to itself and it could surf the net. I purchased it at Verizon and it was they that informed me about the 3G
versus wifi only. At the time this was perfect because I knew dip diddly about wifi!
It wasn't till about a month later I learned how little 5-10g plans were when my extra usage charges came in with a bill
cresting $300-, that was a wake up call fer sure! I now of course am wifi based with a Atlantic Broadband unlimited
service which on a ethernet connection runs a full 40mbs DL & 3.5 UL; had a friend speed test it with his laptop.
I of course am not running those #'s on the pad but I did hit 37 & 4 a couple times when I was trying to improve my
wifi signal after much research to you guys and all over Bing.
Well, this is getting long and I'm only supposed to introduce myself so I'll not ask any questions. Just so you know
I do thoroughly run the net trying to solve my pad problems and have learned much so if I write and ask about
something I did try to find the answer everywhere before bugging you. I've signed up because in some regards
you're the last resort and probably the only ones with the right answer.
Thank you for allowing me to join your group. Tahoechris