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ipad syncing

DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
Unless you delete the apps manually, they will not disappear and delete the user data with them.

Syncing does not delete apps/data.

Well, it didn't delete the apps, just moved 'em backand forth between my ipad and computer, but it did delete their data.
And I certainly did not TRY to have this hassle, I didn't knowingly "manually" erase them, and if I did so accidentally somehow, you'd think there'd be a promt or two to avoid such accidental catastophies, and I'm hoping to avoid it somehow happening again.
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
One more question, regarding this statement.

You made a manual sync and set it to only sync photos? In that case, it is no wonder, all your apps got removed, because you instructed iTunes to only sync photos and nothing else.

yeah, guess so.
Photos was the only box I checked, figuring that was all I was syncing. I didn't want to go through the hassle of syncing my whole itunes library which, ironically, didn't get deleted even though they were unchecked as well...
Back up

How many times does it happen that we wished we had a back up?
I still say try to go to an early back up on your ipad, might do it.
2nd do you use a back up if not do it now there are several out there. I use time mach on computer and it has worked and helped me in past. You need something that works in background and does this automatically!
Don't wait find what works for you. Sorry I can't help more
Hi I'm so lucke to own now my second iPad and feel extremely spoilt.
I have one problwm that I can't seem to get right.

I have 6500 photos in iTunes on my Mac neatly organised into named events. When I sync these event to my iPad (64G) it splits the events into lots and lots of smaller ones. Is there a way that I can have my photos synced to my ipad in the exact way it is on iTunes? It is the main reason i bought the new 64G - to view and download my photos and have it available EVERYWHERE I go.
mmalan said:
Hi I'm so lucke to own now my second iPad and feel extremely spoilt.
I have one problwm that I can't seem to get right.

I have 6500 photos in iTunes on my Mac neatly organised into named events. When I sync these event to my iPad (64G) it splits the events into lots and lots of smaller ones. Is there a way that I can have my photos synced to my ipad in the exact way it is on iTunes? It is the main reason i bought the new 64G - to view and download my photos and have it available EVERYWHERE I go.

Tell iTunes to sync them from iPhoto. Then set your pics the way you want in iphoto
I did! I sync iphone, ipod classic, ipod nano and my ipad to itunes. Events still get split on ipad and is not like in iphoto. I'm a Mac user and understand normal prosedure well. This blows my mind...

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