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iPad Touch Screen Settings...

One of my biggest pet peeve with "Apple people", ie the consumers of Apple products, is that whenever something is pointed out as lacking on a device, the canned response is always that its not necessary and that you should change YOUR behavior to match the device.

I want my device as configurable as possible. If you like it how it is, you don't have to change a single setting. This allows people to customize the device to their exact likings. I had a problem with screen calibration on the ipad already, and I have only had it for a few days. It happened to be caused by a package I had installed, but a screen calibration option would have been nice. There are a lot of things missing on the iPad that leave me wanting, but that is kind of the Apple way of doing things. Can't fault them, because their products are popular, but personally I would much rather have the OPTION to change things.
whenever something is pointed out as lacking on a device, the canned response is always that its not necessary

amen to that, I feel they defend apple to defend their purchase, they dont want to believe that something is missing..

look, ppl like the option to have a settings, for TV's ppl like options to adjust their picture, whether BRIGHTNESS, CONTRAST, SHARPNESS, etc. Same with puter monitors..

For cameras ppl like to have as many options as possible especially for SLR cameras.

For even say a mouse ppl like to have software and drivers that get them options to tweak the mouse..

and touchpads in laptops usually have a wealth amount of settings,and most of those settings include adjusting the sensitivity of the touchpad.

so for the ipad, and being that the touch screen revolves around your fingers that touch the screen, its only logical that you would have somekind of settings for the screen.. You think becuz Apple gives you one setting its perfect for everyone? LOL, NOT..

its like Panasonic to make a TV and have non-adjustable CONTRAST or BRIGHTNESS , could you imagine ppl defending Panasonic and saying that the picture is perfect so need to adjust? Imagine how absurd these ppl would sound, imagine the bad reviews..

some like to touch/tap harder, some lighter..

also, ever since I put my screen protector on I find it less sensitive, so an adjustment to make the touch screen more sensitive would be nice.
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Could only see that adjustment as being useful for sketching or drawing.
Apple is more interested in making things just work than allowing geeks to fiddle :)
One of my biggest pet peeve with "Apple people", ie the consumers of Apple products, is that whenever something is pointed out as lacking on a device, the canned response is always that its not necessary and that you should change YOUR behavior to match the device.

I want my device as configurable as possible. If you like it how it is, you don't have to change a single setting. This allows people to customize the device to their exact likings. I had a problem with screen calibration on the ipad already, and I have only had it for a few days. It happened to be caused by a package I had installed, but a screen calibration option would have been nice. There are a lot of things missing on the iPad that leave me wanting, but that is kind of the Apple way of doing things. Can't fault them, because their products are popular, but personally I would much rather have the OPTION to change things.
I agree with you general statement, I just dont think it applies here. Calibration is one thing, sensitivity is another. A calibration utility might have a function. I see no point to a "sensitivity" setting. Why would you want the screen to be less responsive? I cant think of any touch scree device that has such a setting.

The only way to relieve the occasional decrease in response we sometimes experience is with better software that isnt taxing the CPU or GPU as much. (By the way this is me acknowledging a weakness on the iPad). I am very familiar with this kind of behavior from Window Mobile phones that dont have a separate graphics processor and have occasional lag in touchscreen response. I see the same thing on the iPad, but much, much less than I did on Windows Mobile. For example scrolling large pages with a lot of graphics will often cause lag. The Netflix app is the worst I have encountered so far.
This plea for user adjustable settings reminds me of buying hi-fi

The really expensive top end gear had minimal controls while the cheap junk amplifiers looked like a Boeing flightdeck.

The real trouble is that the iPad is so competent we expect more than it was designed to give.
no calibration settings, there is no need for them on this type of screen. Its not a pressure sensitive screen.

That's what I thought too. Has nothing to do with apple bias - other than the iPad and touch, I've only ever had one apple product (an iBook about 6 years ago), the rest have been pc's. I enjoy games too much to go full on Mac. Plies I couldn't afford it lol
I also think they should have a setting where you flick your finger to scroll, you can adjust faster scrolling, or slower scrolling..

I bet the next gen iPad will have such settings.
I also think they should have a setting where you flick your finger to scroll, you can adjust faster scrolling, or slower scrolling..

I bet the next gen iPad will have such settings.

That setting is there already sort of. Instead of a setting, it scrolls as fast or slow as you want based on how fast or slow you swype your finger. You can scroll very fast or very slow. Play with it in slow motion, when you touch the screen its like your finger is physically touching the page. As you slide, it will move as though your finger is physically moving the page. It works just like inertial scrolling in Windows Mobile - which also has no sensitivity setting.
I personally can not see why you would need to adjust the touch setting.

I don't either... I think newcomers to Apple products aren't acostumed to the 'touch' which Apple is all about. Now, if everyone was complaining about touch sensitivity with Microsoft products, i.e. HP's attempt to copy Apples touch pad, then I totaly would understand.
Hp was not attempting to copy apples tablet. They, as many others were working on one before Apple's was ever released.
I also think they should have a setting where you flick your finger to scroll, you can adjust faster scrolling, or slower scrolling..

I bet the next gen iPad will have such settings.

I bet it don't... We already have what your asking for. And it works finger flicking good...
Touch screen setting

Where do you get this perfect stuff!! Are you an Apple employee?
All you have to do is accidentally and lightly brush the screen with your palm and you find yourself on another page!

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